Alright, so I haven't updated for a few days. You see, I have a bunch (well...3 or 4...) ideas for what I'm going to code next. It's occured to me, though, that most of things that I
plan on coding will be of little to no interest to most people. So, I've decided to take suggestions as to what to add next. It can be wacky or whatever. I don't really care. Look, I just
added the 'Shrubbery' section (i'm not nearly done with it, but it's there). E-mail me or IM me (uglyjoe1) and let me know what I should build. I'll make
a 'suggestion' page eventually. So...uh...yeah.
Oh, by the way, I hate working.
--UJ 2002.08.07
Here's a little story about how I got a rare NES cart for $7.99...
It all started on last Friday during my lunch break. I was bored since it only takes me about 5 minutes to eat a sandwich and I had an a whole hour to kill time. I just sat there for
a while to kill some time. Eventually, people kept talking really loud in some language that I don't know, so I decided to walk over to Funcoland. I browsed their NES selection and
found a few prospects...for Wednesday was payday! Anyway, leading the prospects was Dragon Power. This is actually an NES game based on the anime DragonBall. It's edited really
badly (i.e. "I want to see your friend's breasts" becomes "I want your sandwich"). Either way, it was a game I've been casually looking for and so I decided to get it after I got some cash.
Fast forward to today (you didn't miss much, trust me). I get home from work and THE wants to know if I wanna go to the mall and such. While we're out, we go to Funcoland so I can get
Dragon Power. I grabbed it and two other games (Magmax and (soley for the title) Star Ship Hector). THE was checking out some DVDs, so I kept on browsing. I had just checked out the games
on Friday, so I kinda knew what was there already. Since I was still there, though, I decided to look for Tetris 2. You know, Tetris with bombs. I couldn't find it on the main shelves, so I
checked the little stack (which was a huge stack on Friday) for it. It wasn't there, but there was a black cartridge facing the other way. This usually means it's a Tengen game, but it could
actually have been a few things. Out of curiousity, I lifted up the stack to see which game it was. What I saw was nothing that I had expected. Lying there in front of me was a cart of Tengen
Tetris. Now, for those of you not in the know, this is not the Tetris that everyone (well, everyone except me, it seems) has a copy of. Oh no, this is the rare unlicensed one that Nintendo
got all pissy about. Now, at this point, I was expecting to wake up from a dream and get really pissed off. It's happened before with other such items. I'm kinda used to it now, but I still get pissed
off when it happens. After realizing that it was probably not a dream, I picked it up and braced myself for the pricetag. Just $7.99. $7.99 for a game that would easily sell on e-bay for
$30.00 (not that I'm selling it anytime soon). So, using my hard-earned cash, I bought it and (eventually) went home with one of the rarer NES carts out there. Few things make me happy like this. It's
kind of sad, really, but there are things that I just look for and never expect to find. When they show up, it's like the universed screwed up and it ended up in my favor. I don't know.
Anyway, I have my Tetris and I'm happy. No real site news, as I was went out today instead of working on it. Meh.
--UJ 2002.07.31
You're not real...
Work still sucks. In cooler news, I heard Blindside on the radio on the way home from work. I was pretty shocked to hear
them on the radio and not some cd I had burned. Needless to say, it was pretty cool. So...their album 'Silence' comes out August 20th, so that means I'll get to use the ol'
company discount on this one the day it comes out. Yeah. Hrm...perhaps I've found my quitting day afterall...
So, in site news, I added a new picture (one that I really really like) and I put something into the Things section. So check those out. Also, for all you lucky users, I made the links
page. So, you can go there and add links and people can see them and visit them. And stuff. As far as new ideas go, I'm working on some kind of forumy thing. Not just a regular forum,
but sort of a way to collect info on a certain topic. Like, there would be one for some band, and users could submit reviews, comments, links to various stuff, etc. Sorta keep a database
of info on varied things. Once again, figuring out how to organize it is my biggest obsticle, but once I get over that I should be able to go code it. That story thing is still on, though,
so don't think I've forgotten about it. More than likely, though, I'll make the profiles better first. Not quite sure how, but It needs more...stuff. Anyway, I have to go sleep now because
I have to be at work in 7 hours. I hate working, btw.
--UJ 2002.07.30
I can't work a 9 to 5...
Well, it's finally here. User system is up and running. I'm sure there's still a few bugs in the system, so be sure to let me know if something goes wrong. So far, there's only
user profiles and guest book, but there's more to come. I'm either making better profiles or an interactive link system next. I have plans for a 'story-maker' thingy. Details are
still scarce, but it seems in my head that it'll be cool once I buckle down and code the thing.
So, I've been working working at Walmart the past week. I hate working. The thing about walmart is that you don't actually have to like people, you just have to be able to pretend
to like people. In fact, the majority of people working there don't like people at all, me included. I mean, I get along with some people, but other people really have to figure out
what they're doing. There are people asking to buy DVD players who can't even set up their VCR. There are also people with tiny cars asking for 31" TVs. Bah. I hate working. I should
get a job as some kind of nomad. Like, my boss would say, 'go roam over there and that guy will let you stay at his place,' and I'd go over there and eat all his food while he was at
work and then try and work out some mutual agreement and get all pissed off and pee on his flower bed or something. And then I'd go back to my boss and get paid. Yeah, that'd be cool.
Oh well...did I mention I hate working?
In entirely unrelated (but very cool to me) news, Infinite Pictures is finally updating again. Infinite Pictures (hereafter known
as 'Infinite Pictures') is a site with all sorts of pictures of or relating to the Smashing Pumpkins in some way. It's an awesome site and is finally getting updated again. Of course, most
of you probably don't care, but this is big news to me...yeah, my life really is that uneventful.
Anyway, go make a user account and play around / test things out. Let me know if anything goes wrong, or if you can think of something else that would
be cool to make. 'Till next time...
--UJ 2002.07.27
Something of Value...
Hamburger! I've almost got the whole user system worked out. For real this time. I probably could have had it done by now, but it had this nasty habit of not remembering
the user if you close the browser window. I had ignored it for a while, but I finally got around to making not do that. All that I have left to do is make a 'create
new user' page (which I know how to do) and somekind of page not unlike a guestbook for users to..er...use.
In real life news, my brother and his girlfriend came down for the weekend. He wasn't home for most of it, so I don't really have much to say about it. I was, however, promoted
from 'goth-boy' to 'emo'. Allow me to explain...For some reason or another, my brother started calling me 'goth-boy'. I'm not entirely sure why, as I was never a goth. I mean,
I probably could have been if I really applied myself, but I'm just too lazy (not unlike Mike). Sure, I was pretty depressed (more angsty
than depressed, but depression is part of angst) and I did have a lot of black clothes, but I never wore all black. Actually, I made it a point not to wear all black. Not that
there's anything wrong with it, but I'm sure I would have been asked, "why are you wearing all black?" by a handfull of people...and I don't really like people...so I was better
off just sticking with black t-shirts and stuff. Anyway, something just decided to make him change his mind and call me 'emo' instead. I think it's my haircut that really did it,
but I guess I'll never know. So now I'm 'emo' instead of 'goth-boy'. Meh.
While I'm on the topic of my brother, his website/comic is up again at podunkandchico.com, so go read it and continue to read it
on a regular basis.
Anyway, I'm off to go finish coding the user system...or take a nap.
--UJ 2002.07.21