Yep, that title is correct. A demo. I bet nobody saw that coming. Now onto the goodies:
You can play The FF6 Hack up until you can't. [/wiseass]
Keep all demo-related discussion in this thread, or suffer the wrath of mod power (please?).
Now, to make sure that we don't cross wires, these are things that are known issues:
* Items lie to you, more specifically the Hi Potion. It says it restores 500 HP, it really restores 250.
* The "MP needed" display in battle uses the wrong font.
* Switching fonts will still use the wrong ATB bar for that font. Just trust me. \
* Tents aren't centered on the world map.
* Learning spells by leveling up through fighting won't let you use the learned magic in battle. (See Basuna)
In short, don't tell us about these.
Instructions: Patch either to v1.0 of the US rom. If your rom has a header, use the patch that says "header" and visa versa. Enjoy.
This demo is quite generous in the items it gives you. When you get to Arvis' house, check your inventory and esper list as one example.