If you guys picked up an IPS Patch copy called Megagirl from Zophar's Domain, then the stage select should look like this.

It was made in 1998 which is the graphics only hack.
Now, here's the stage select for Megagirl another fight story.

I was thinking about changing the BG colors to either Gray, Red, or Green but not the default blue.
If you guys played the Parody Touhou Megaman game called MegaMari, Patchouli and Cirno are the bosses in this game. YES I know I spelled Patcholy but that's another way to pronounce it. Gutsgirl is nothing more than the heart on it's head than the cutie face like all the others.
My hack can NEVER be a graphics only hack. I will edit all level maps soon. Anyway, there's a few more GFX sprites I need to work on before I get to the frame animations.