Topic: New Rom Hack Site: (Read 2345 times)
The Onyx Dragoon
« Reply #45 on: October 19, 2007, 09:05:11 am » |
I must say that I cherish works of art that:
1.) Take pain-staking amounts of effort to complete, 2.) Are completely thorough, and 3.) Do not beg for attention through explicit content.
What was your take on (just to pull out an example at random) Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3? To be certain, it fulfilled your first two criteria. The author spent over a year making sure every pixel was in the right place, animation frames were fluid and consistent, etc. The third requirement can also be arguably deemed met, as the over-the-top nature of the hack was allusory rather than gratuity-for-gratuity's-sake. Sorry, but I have neither played the hack nor wish to do so. I, however, cannot generalize here because, looking at the title of the hack, it's not very appealing to me personally. I can stand a joke, but I surely cannot stand mockery like that for minutes, maybe even hours on end. So, I guess rule #3 could be extended, saying... 3.) Does not beg for attention through explicit content consistently. So, Dr. Floppy, you do have a point. #3 is purely biased, but that's just how I feel.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2007, 09:20:57 am by Onyxyte »
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #46 on: October 19, 2007, 10:03:43 am » |
Once again, the title of the article is The History Of ROM-hacking, ACCORDING TO JOMB. I would think that anyone reading it would immediately recognize it as comedy when analog ROM-hacks were talked about, if not simply by the site hosting it. Heaven's help anyone who looks through the hacks that is hosting, and actually thinks they are being offered the whole picture. I'm not going to get very deep into this discussion; I usually try to take a neutral stance in conflicts, and I don't really have an opinion either way on this issue. However, we're living in a country where certain branches of the religious right not only cite a fake Onion interview with J. K. Rowling, who states that she practices witchcraft and that the Harry Potter series is pagan in nature, but believe that it is fact and not satire. I think you're overestimating the intelligence of the American people.
Dimi Glivver
« Reply #47 on: October 19, 2007, 12:51:24 pm » |
Once again, the title of the article is The History Of ROM-hacking, ACCORDING TO JOMB. I would think that anyone reading it would immediately recognize it as comedy when analog ROM-hacks were talked about, if not simply by the site hosting it. Heaven's help anyone who looks through the hacks that is hosting, and actually thinks they are being offered the whole picture. I'm not going to get very deep into this discussion; I usually try to take a neutral stance in conflicts, and I don't really have an opinion either way on this issue. However, we're living in a country where certain branches of the religious right not only cite a fake Onion interview with J. K. Rowling, who states that she practices witchcraft and that the Harry Potter series is pagan in nature, but believe that it is fact and not satire. I think you're overestimating the intelligence of the American people. Well, that's a sad possibility. Still, even if it's true (note, 'if') it would be wrong to dumb things down just to try to reach idiots. After all, that would only contribute to the general brain drain. Here I am, refusing to lower the tone of a site devoted to nudey hacks! :laugh:
« Reply #48 on: October 19, 2007, 04:58:43 pm » |
Hey, sometimes those hacks have more to them then you'd expect  But anyway, if the religious right or whatever organization wants to back up their faulty argument they will use whatever they can or make their own fake article if no others are available. For sure there are some suckers out there, but I believe in giving people the benefit of their own free-thinking. If i have to hold somebodies hand the whole way and point out the obvious every sentence then that's a person whose opinion carries little weght with me anyway. Should we be putting labels on the bumper of cars reading "do not stand in front of car when its moving"? or signs on stairwells reading "do not attempt to do backflips down the steps, it is dangerous"? Maybe we should have a law that anyone who is a comic must wear a uniform that clearly reads "comedian" on it so that people wont think they are serious?
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #49 on: October 20, 2007, 07:24:02 pm » |
Sorry, but I have neither played the hack nor wish to do so. I, however, cannot generalize here because, looking at the title of the hack, it's not very appealing to me personally. I can stand a joke, but I surely cannot stand mockery like that for minutes, maybe even hours on end.
To each his own! You're probably better off waiting for the re-release anyways. (If my desires are achieved, there will be significant content added for the more serious ROMster.) 
« Reply #50 on: October 21, 2007, 01:39:08 am » |
Jigglysaint - I was quite literally out of commission from 2000 to late 2004, that part is no joke. So if a website sprung up in those years I would definitely have missed it. I also did'nt mention ACMLM board, which I probably should have, but the point was to snub them :laugh: Disch - Go watch the Daily Show, much of that is an example of dead-pan humor. Or what about Andy Kaufman? The very fact that you never were quite sure where the comedy ended and the truth began was his whole appeal. If I put a huge flashing neon sign reading "this is all false and just the raving of a madman" it would no longer be funny. The audience has to come to their own conclusion that the author is unhinged. How you would'nt come that conclusion immediately after seeing a photo of a TV with a penis and tophat crudely drawn on it escapes me. But even if someone actually did think a community of people liked to draw genitalia on their television, then they went to the links section and came here, all illusions would be dispelled, no? Most comedy ceases to be funny if you explicitly spell out every joke, you either "get" it or you probably never will. Onyxye - see above, most of it applies here also. People already see my Jomb handle as an unhinged somewhat psychoic individual anyway Disch again - I think some people are simply too close to this thing we call ROMhacking. Cant see the forest because of all them trees as they say. The evidence that its comedy is over-whelming unless you just cant step back and see it. The site is called, not or Who knows, maybe when you took it literally you were right, are there actual analog ROM-hacks out there? Did you make some? I just made it up, but maybe they do exist  We already have, and that is where a serious history of ROM-hacking would go. You mention Andy Kaufman. His brand of humor was very good... Once you found out it was all a joke, which most people didn't till after he died because everyone hated him so much he couldn't get the information out there. He not only alienated himself but a lot of people he knew just because he didn't know when to say "Hey, this is a joke". He himself felt bad about that as seen in the movie "Man on the moon". He also died pennyless after selling the rights to his famous character. So in closing you should really point out and make sure everyone knows that what you are saying is infact a joke.
sb iq
« Reply #51 on: October 21, 2007, 01:57:08 am » |
The title really should have the "According To Jomb" part in ALL CAPS as a sarcastic hint that it is not accurate.
I do not think that would detract from the humor. In my opinion it's more funny that way.
« Reply #52 on: October 21, 2007, 02:02:10 am » |
That may be true, but he would'nt have been half as funny if he made it crystal clear that he was joking. It was actually in part that you thought it was a joke but had that little bit of doubt that put him over the top. Without that I dont think he'd be held in as high esteem today. I have no fear of dying pennyless. When my time comes I have the comfort of having lived my life my way, whether I was right or wrong I followed my muse to the fullest I was able to. If I'm remembered like Andy Kaufman then I did alot better then I ever thought possible. :happy: Really though in my estimation at least 90% of the people as a whole know that my work is at least half-joke. I'm not interested in 100% of the people believing that. When the day comes that everyone immediately thinks I'm joking everytime I say or do anything, then its time to give it up and concentrate on my non-comedic work. For my next piece I'm going to claim to translate an RPG and instead insert the script from the book "The Great Gatsby" as an homage to Andy Kaufman 
« Last Edit: October 21, 2007, 02:21:45 am by Jomb »
« Reply #53 on: October 21, 2007, 03:31:24 am » |
i liked the 'history' you just need some more hacks t5o the site :woot!: 
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #54 on: October 21, 2007, 03:59:03 am » |
The title really should have the "According To Jomb" part in ALL CAPS as a sarcastic hint that it is not accurate.
I do not think that would detract from the humor. In my opinion it's more funny that way.
I'm still surprised Jomb hasn't caught heat from everyone who released something in 2006! Seriously, though... The piece is even written in classic I-Mockery style, right down to the bonus captions hidden on the screenshots. I admit it took me a minute to fully appreciate the "analogue hack", but then I'm very near-sighted...
« Reply #55 on: October 21, 2007, 04:16:25 am » |
Frantik - Hehe, you'll have to talk to Dimi about that, he's in charge of that department :laugh: Dr. Floppy - I actually created something in 2006 but due to red tape it hasn't been released yet  Did you see the review I wrote on yet? One other thing I thought I should clear up. A couple people have referred to the hacks at as simple "nudey" hacks. For sure some of them are, but none of mine are. What very few people realize is that my hacks have multiple layers to them. On the simplest layer they are comedies, and when I make them I expect that 99% of the people will receive them strictly as comedies. But there are deeper things going on. Every one of my creations contain deeper symbolism and are not really about what they seem to be about. I dont really want to say much more on it, because its meant to be something personal which one would discover on their own. But, just to make my point, I'll finally break my silence about my oldest creation. The hack "Pussy City Pimps" is not really about driving away pimps to make Pussy City a city of free love again. It is really an allegory about the sad state of voters in the USA. Voter turn-out is abyssmally low (especially back in 1999). This is allowing government corruption to sneak in and have an easier time going unchecked, and for lobbyists to be more influential than they should be. Sometimes the government will charge money for things which by rights ought to be free. It is my belief that this can only be changed when people rise up and demand their voice back. In Pussy City Pimps the pimps are meant to represent government corruption, and the charging of money for things which ought to be free, while Alex and Ryan represent the voice of the people at the ballot box.
« Reply #56 on: October 21, 2007, 05:27:38 am » |
Frantik - Hehe, you'll have to talk to Dimi about that, he's in charge of that department :laugh: Dr. Floppy - I actually created something in 2006 but due to red tape it hasn't been released yet  Did you see the review I wrote on yet? One other thing I thought I should clear up. A couple people have referred to the hacks at as simple "nudey" hacks. For sure some of them are, but none of mine are. What very few people realize is that my hacks have multiple layers to them. On the simplest layer they are comedies, and when I make them I expect that 99% of the people will receive them strictly as comedies. But there are deeper things going on. Every one of my creations contain deeper symbolism and are not really about what they seem to be about. I dont really want to say much more on it, because its meant to be something personal which one would discover on their own. But, just to make my point, I'll finally break my silence about my oldest creation. The hack "Pussy City Pimps" is not really about driving away pimps to make Pussy City a city of free love again. It is really an allegory about the sad state of voters in the USA. Voter turn-out is abyssmally low (especially back in 1999). This is allowing government corruption to sneak in and have an easier time going unchecked, and for lobbyists to be more influential than they should be. Sometimes the government will charge money for things which by rights ought to be free. It is my belief that this can only be changed when people rise up and demand their voice back. In Pussy City Pimps the pimps are meant to represent government corruption, and the charging of money for things which ought to be free, while Alex and Ryan represent the voice of the people at the ballot box. And that makes it even more stupid than it orignally was.
« Reply #57 on: October 21, 2007, 10:09:25 am » |
And with that, I think this thread has run it's course.