Topic: New Rom Hack Site: (Read 2345 times)
« Reply #30 on: October 18, 2007, 04:16:19 pm » |
As has been mentioned already, Jomb's history of ROM hacking begins with an account of the fictional concept of Analogue Hacking, i.e., painting additions to the game's graphics directly on to a television screen. Following this opening gambit, who in their right mind would take the article as a serious & scholarly work?
As has already been mentioned, myself, Nightcrawler, and Onyxyte at least were originally unaware the author did not intend to be serious. I consider the three of us to be in our right mind. Of course we didn't think it was credible, but only because we've been in the community for a while. For someone just coming in, they won't have the benefit of our experience and thus might be mislead. It dawns on me that we're saying "as has been previously mentioned" a lot. Which indicates this conversation is going nowhere. You guys are saying it's obvious that the article isn't serious -- but you're apparently wrong, because several of us took it seriously. You can stick to your guns and keep saying it's obvious, but that doesn't mean it really is obvious.
« Reply #31 on: October 18, 2007, 04:35:12 pm » |
Jigglysaint - I was quite literally out of commission from 2000 to late 2004, that part is no joke. So if a website sprung up in those years I would definitely have missed it. I also did'nt mention ACMLM board, which I probably should have, but the point was to snub them :laugh: Disch - Go watch the Daily Show, much of that is an example of dead-pan humor. Or what about Andy Kaufman? The very fact that you never were quite sure where the comedy ended and the truth began was his whole appeal. If I put a huge flashing neon sign reading "this is all false and just the raving of a madman" it would no longer be funny. The audience has to come to their own conclusion that the author is unhinged. How you would'nt come that conclusion immediately after seeing a photo of a TV with a penis and tophat crudely drawn on it escapes me. But even if someone actually did think a community of people liked to draw genitalia on their television, then they went to the links section and came here, all illusions would be dispelled, no? Most comedy ceases to be funny if you explicitly spell out every joke, you either "get" it or you probably never will. Onyxye - see above, most of it applies here also. People already see my Jomb handle as an unhinged somewhat psychoic individual anyway Disch again - I think some people are simply too close to this thing we call ROMhacking. Cant see the forest because of all them trees as they say. The evidence that its comedy is over-whelming unless you just cant step back and see it. The site is called, not or Who knows, maybe when you took it literally you were right, are there actual analog ROM-hacks out there? Did you make some? I just made it up, but maybe they do exist  We already have, and that is where a serious history of ROM-hacking would go.
« Reply #32 on: October 18, 2007, 04:41:37 pm » |
I know is also for hacks, but you cant deny it was based in the translation scene. Did'nt it rise up from the ashes of The Whirlpool?
NO, it didn't. Jomb, you're starting to upset me. Did you even READ the about page I linked you to? You are TOTALLY WRONG, AGAIN! was a replacement for and had absolutely *NOTHING* to do with The Whirlpool until later. I can certainly deny that it wasn't based on the translation scene because it simply WASN'T. It had nothing to do with it. The history of this site can be found right here on this site on the About page in clear print. I also have archived topics on TransCorp. This is exactly what I'm talking about. You just completely make things up... it's not half truths, it's just made up, false, a lie, and fabricated. You want to write your joke articles, fine, but do me a favor and don't make up lies or fabrications about me, or my creations. It's not funny to just make things up about people and places. In the very least you need a disclaimer saying "This article is entirely made up and not true".
The Onyx Dragoon
« Reply #33 on: October 18, 2007, 04:44:24 pm » |
You seem to be implying that the latter contradicts the former. It's entirely possible for a hack to be unsuitable for hosting at without it being puerile and unskilled. If someone sent me a straight translation hack I'd decline to host it and I'd point them in the direction of Would that constitute "looking down upon" a "puerile and unskilled" hack? Clearly not.
If someone sends a translation hack to your site, they must have no idea where they are and probably didn't read a single paragraph on your page.  EDIT: The site is called, not or Who knows, maybe when you took it literally you were right, are there actual analog ROM-hacks out there? Did you make some? I just made it up, but maybe they do exist  We already have, and that is where a serious history of ROM-hacking would go. So, does this mean that the people who submit hacks to your site should take their projects seriously? If you could care less about the truth content of your site, why should anyone support it? The fact that you're admitting it's false and (even worse) have no desire to rectify it can't possibly be appealing to any dedicated member or group of ROM hackers.
« Last Edit: October 18, 2007, 05:00:56 pm by Onyxyte »
« Reply #34 on: October 18, 2007, 05:01:10 pm » |
Disch - Go watch the Daily Show, much of that is an example of dead-pan humor. The Daily Show doesn't hide it's a comedy. Stewarts body language indicates as much, and plus there's a live audience laughing. Or what about Andy Kaufman? Andy Kaufman never (to my knowledge) spouted off random "facts" about anyone other than himself. A better example for you would've been The Onion.  The audience has to come to their own conclusion that the author is unhinged. The thing is you mention real emulators, real dates, and real hacks. In a sense, you're offering evidence that what you're saying is true -- despite the fact that it's not. The Daily Show doesn't do this. Neither did Andy Kaufman. And neither does the Onion.
« Reply #35 on: October 18, 2007, 05:08:03 pm » |
The audience has to come to their own conclusion that the author is unhinged. And yet, that hasn't been the case yet. How you would'nt come that conclusion immediately after seeing a photo of a TV with a penis and tophat crudely drawn on it escapes me. It could just as easily be mistaken for gay porn, or a tophat site, or something else completely not related to what the purpose actually is. You keep saying it's a joke, but it seems as though you are the only one laughing. How's something supposed to be funny when it's an inside joke and you're the only one that gets it?
Dimi Glivver
« Reply #36 on: October 18, 2007, 05:32:55 pm » |
You're right guys. It's irresponsible for us to publish a humorous article without making absolutely clear to every single potential reader that it is supposed to be humorous. I'm going to add a disclaimer to both pages of the article explaining that the content should be regarded as being of dubious authenticity, and I'm also going to punctuate every 'gag' with an emoticon and a LOL. I can only hope that this will be enough to counteract the damage we have already done. If someone sends a translation hack to your site, they must have no idea where they are and probably didn't read a single paragraph on your page.  Yes. Yes, that's right.
« Reply #37 on: October 18, 2007, 05:42:52 pm » |
Nightcrawler - "Unfortunately, one day my comments were taken the wrong way (Don't you just love communication on the Internet?) and several staff members got upset" I think I know where you been.... Look, it has changed alot, but when first opened it was mostly everything that used to be at The Whirlpool. That is why I originally came here. There were other things to, but I was mainly interested in the translations. There were many many times as many translations hosted here compared to hacks. So why do you think I pulled this thing out of left field, that this site originally was more about translations than hacks, even though at the time you were aggressively gathering and soliciting hacks. I know nothing of, I never once visited that site because I was either not online at all due to personal tragedy, or unaware. If you still are upset with me, feel free to do "an eye for an eye" and make up things about me or my work. Onyxye - whether people who submit hacks to take their work seriously or not is their own personal concern and is irrelevant. You are mistaking for The goal is humor or sometimes train-wrecks. It is most definitely not the place for your latest effort to improve the graphics in your favorite game. It is the place for your latest satire of the ROM-hack section at Disch - You take things way too literally. I was referring to The Daily Show as in how it used to be where there were segments feauturing mock-reporters who would get real interviews and the person being interviewed did not know that it was a comedy interview and you'd get to see them squirm alittle. If you flipped the channels and saw the interview sometimes you were uncertain if it was an actual news show or not. But yes, The Onion is an excellant example of what I'm getting at. Andy Kaufman did get into several famous situations where people were uncertain where the act ended and his real life began. For example his whole stint with wrestling, his fight on the Fridays show, etc. Obviously Andy Kaufman did not talk about emulators (see i can take you way too literally also  ) Lenophis - you would visit a gay porn or top hat site for Romhacking information?  I'm not the only one laughing, this went over quite well at different forums. Many people have gotten it. I have the emails to prove it.
« Reply #38 on: October 18, 2007, 06:10:33 pm » |
do we care?
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2007, 06:59:39 pm » |
The site is called, not or Who knows, maybe when you took it literally you were right, are there actual analog ROM-hacks out there? Did you make some? I just made it up, but maybe they do exist We already have, and that is where a serious history of ROM-hacking would go.
Are you implying that all the people who submits (or is going to publish) hacks at your page are bad romhackers? If that is right then it isn't a good philosophy in my opinion
« Reply #40 on: October 18, 2007, 07:38:28 pm » |
No, it can be taken to mean "hacks gone bad" "hacks that are bad-ass" or sometimes "hacks that are shitty" All of those terms can apply, sometimes even all at the same time  Any racy humor is automatically on topic, as is anything which is too controversial for general consumption. We also take hacks which suck so bad that they become unintentionally humorous. We dont accept translations (though we may bend the rules if it was a mock-comedy translation), hacks that are just graphic improvements, hacks that are only level redesigns (though once again if it was somehow a satire of level redesigns that might work), etc. Do not submit anything if you have thin skin about your hack, because it may ultimately be subject to an in-depth humorous analysis.
« Reply #41 on: October 18, 2007, 11:11:56 pm » |
Yes, but are the hacks going to be bad enough to rescue the President?
sb iq
« Reply #42 on: October 18, 2007, 11:16:18 pm » |
« Reply #43 on: October 19, 2007, 12:10:08 am » |
or murder the president in a rage when it's discovered that he is a he  See, sometimes hacks can have political satire in the mix!
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #44 on: October 19, 2007, 03:19:24 am » |
I must say that I cherish works of art that:
1.) Take pain-staking amounts of effort to complete, 2.) Are completely thorough, and 3.) Do not beg for attention through explicit content.
What was your take on (just to pull out an example at random) Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3? To be certain, it fulfilled your first two criteria. The author spent over a year making sure every pixel was in the right place, animation frames were fluid and consistent, etc. The third requirement can also be arguably deemed met, as the over-the-top nature of the hack was allusory rather than gratuity-for-gratuity's-sake. (Remember the fire hydrants of blood that gushed out every time some diabetic tested his blood sugar in Kill Bill? Tarantino did that cartoonish stuff on purpose as an homage to the old 70's Kung Fu flicks he grew up watching.) Now, this isn't to draw up hype for an old classic (nor its forthcoming re-release), rather to demonstrate that high-quality hacks don't necessarily have to be devoid of saucy material. NYPD Blue drew controversy for its salty language, but can you imagine a gritty cop drama with everyone running around saying "heck" and "durnit"? If anything, adult content can add to the quality of a hack when used appropriately. Drawing upon another random example, my sophomore hack will be rated NC-17 for two frames of full frontal nudity. And yet, the hack just wouldn't be as effective were I to remove or water down that particular scene. What I like about BHDN is that it sticks up for the "burger & fries" bloc of ROM hacking. Even though most of the stuff fast food joints sell isn't particularly healthy, it's okay to indulge oneself every once and awhile. And I have a hard time believing even the most uptight of ROMsters hasn't chuckled their way through a few I-Mockery reviews under the cover of darkness.