Topic: New Rom Hack Site: (Read 2345 times)
« Reply #15 on: October 17, 2007, 05:10:21 pm » |
OK everybody, take a deep breath, its's going to be OK is a comedy site, take everything on it with a grain of salt. Perhaps even a whole shaker full of salt. My article is not meant to be 100% accurate, it is meant to get laughs. Do you really think there are analog ROM-hacks? It was called "The History Of ROM-hacking according to Jomb", the according to Jomb part is of utmost importance here. It is meant to be one warped opinion, with just enough backing it up to be funny or to be offensive if you take it that way. Nightcrawler - I'm sorry if you are offended, because you've actually been really cool. I'd say you are one of the few out there who really does have an open mind. If I'm off about the year opened it can only be by a matter of months because I went by the thread you posted in ACMLM's board. If you actually opened in 2005 instead of late 2004 is it really a federal issue? I can recall a couple hacks that I know of being rejected here. I've had one rejected which was very complete. But its no big deal, I can see how there is pressure to reject some of these hacks, although many of them play well with the larger community of game-players, they tend to be looked down upon by the ROM-hacking community. Also, look in the links section of, we link to you and have positive things to say there Silver X - Yes, anyone can hack using NESticle, which was exactly the charm. ANYONE could make a ROM-hack, not just elitists. I'm not disparaging you or your creations, your view is valid to. Go shout it to the whole world. But I'm allowed to also have my view and express it. I will also say that I have never played either of your hacks, only read about them. Obviously I did'nt do actual scientific research to come up with my 96% figure, it was a joke. Your sense of humor may vary from mine. That is life. The hacks of the sort I make are INTENDED as humor (sometimes other statements to), so to be featured on a popular comedy website is in-fact, an honor. To get fan-mail from people saying they never laughed so hard is also an honor. If your intent was to make something serious and then it was laughed at you would have a point. You may not like my music, which is your right. You would even be in the majority on that one. But there is a subset of people who love it, people with an ear for atonal music. I have actually made money selling my music, when is the last time you made money selling yours? -edit- Nightcrawler, you are very correct about when your site opened  I was looking at the wrong thing and going by faulty memory. So I'll see about moving it forward in my timeline. Though technical accuracy was never the point.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 06:02:09 pm by Jomb »
sb iq
« Reply #16 on: October 17, 2007, 08:38:36 pm » |
To be honest, I've no idea how PS1, PS2 and other similar hacks work. I'd have to educate myself on the subject. Also, do any of them really match the horror of a crudely hacked NES ROM? If you want to send something over, I'll take a look at it but I can't guarantee anything.  If you accept modern ISO hacks, I bet you someone will match and exceed the horror of hacked NES ROMs where Mario has an afro and an erect penis.
« Last Edit: October 17, 2007, 08:59:39 pm by sb iq »
« Reply #17 on: October 17, 2007, 09:12:03 pm » |
Mario's fro and erect penis are minor horrors compared to things like Ernie And The Muppets Take It All Off 
« Reply #18 on: October 17, 2007, 10:48:01 pm » |
Speaking of which, this discussion has made me curious. Did that hack really warrant a cease & desist letter or is that part of the whole "grain of salt" aspect of the article?
« Reply #19 on: October 18, 2007, 12:13:51 am » |
The Onyx Dragoon
« Reply #20 on: October 18, 2007, 01:00:10 am » |
Here's my two cents.
First, I'd like to say I am not much of a ROM hacker, but I have been around for a little while, and I know pretty much everything that the scene's been through up to this point.
What I find as being absurd is this site is encouraging today's community to hack in the style that's somewhat crass. One of the few reasons that one could call such a ROM hack "art" is because of the limited resources of the time of its creation. I will admit that the ROM hacking community today is spoiled to a degree with the several advanced level editors, hex editors, etc., thoroughly-written technical documents, and patches that can be used as examples and bases for a hack of a larger scale. However, if the ROM hacking community were to solely create the sort of hacks is supporting, I highly doubt that the community would have come this far.
I must say that I cherish works of art that:
1.) Take pain-staking amounts of effort to complete, 2.) Are completely thorough, and 3.) Do not beg for attention through explicit content.
I'm not sure at all how will turn out, but I honestly do not see it as being successful.
« Reply #21 on: October 18, 2007, 02:38:55 am » |
Maybe it's not for you Onyxyte. But one thing to consider is that we've been around just as long as you have (not speaking of, but comedy hacks in general), and its highly unlikely that comedy hacks will cease to exist in the future so long as hacks are being made at all. Though it may not be apparent from within this scene, some very successful hacks (in terms of popularity, based on how widespread knowledge of a hack is in the general public beyond ROM-hackers), are comedy hacks. Though many comedy hacks are slapped together quickly and shoddily (which can actually give them a certain charm in some cases), there are others which are quite elaborate and have a tremendous amount of work put into them. (such as Super Nazi Penis Cartel Freedom Fighters 3, and a few others) The hack I am currently working on has 9 months of work in it right now, and I'm guessing myself at about 30% done. It will be a miracle if I'm done a year from now.
Dimi Glivver
« Reply #22 on: October 18, 2007, 04:42:23 am » |
Jomb's already covered most of this, but since I put together I thought I'd better step up and say something.
First of all, we're not trying to insult There are positive remarks about it in both the FAQ & Links section of the site. I personally have a high opinion of As for the year the site started, Jomb let me know & I've amended it. My apologies for the inaccuracy.
My stating that hosts hacks that other sites will not was not meant as a dig at, but it was inaccurate as you pointed out. Yes, some of the hacks featured on the site are also featured on, but I imagine as grows there will be more and more hacks that are not. I'll revise my statement: regardless of the crudity of a hack, if the hacker considers it complete, and it is in keeping with the tone of our site, will host it.
Anyway, this is really just meant to be a light-hearted site. Same with the history article. It's concentrating on one very specific aspect of ROM hacking, and we're not seriously holding it up as being 'better' than any other. I can understand people being pissed off by the content, but we're not trying to pick any fights.
« Reply #23 on: October 18, 2007, 09:31:20 am » |
1. 1997 was not the dawn of the ROMhacking scene, not by a long shot. 2. People were editing text in ROMs via hex editors prior to 1997 as well. I know these two things for fact because *I* was one of them. Pencil and paper for my table and a trusty hex editor. And I can tell you I certainly was not the first to do this. Quite a few hacks already existed before I knew that ROMhacking existed. History prior to Nesticle is just omitted completely from this article and all people that came before trampled with the authoritative statement that "1997 This is where it all started people. The dawn of the ROM-hacking scene." And really, it was the people involved in the console emulation scene that paved the way, and I mean that LITERALLY. They were, in fact, actually DOING some of the first ROM hacks. You need to respect all the people who made it possible for you to do what you do and came before you. You can get some good names and some starting points just be looking at some of the older ROMhacking documents we have here. You wouldn't write an article about human history, history of comedy etc. , and start in 19xx marking that as the definitive beginning, would you? 3. "The 1st was Super KKK Bros. " This was the first inappropriate hack ever? I don't think. Where are you pulling this information from? 4. "Due to pressure from the crybabies it decides to only host hacks of “merit“, and looks down on hacks which are deemed “spoof”." That's certainly an arguable statement that I believe I disagree with, however I don't know exactly who or what you're referring to. 5. " It is mainly focused on the translation “scene”, but also aspires to host ROM-hacks of all kinds." This is about as far away from what aspired to be as you can get. I don't remember that ever being printed or portrayed on this site. We focused on the translation 'scene'? If isn't about a unified ROMhacking community, what is? You had better go read the 'About' page again for some factual information on this site's creation.'re attitude and incorrect assumption is exactly why hacks and hack news were slow to build here. THOSE are the types of things that I didn't like reading. It's more than just getting a date wrong. You wrote an article about the history our community with apparently no effort going into it and information was just plain wrong about a community I have been involved with, and had been passionate about since the mid 90's, and just stamp out the real history entirely, and disrespecting everyone prior to 1997. Then, I have the added bonus of reading somewhat defamatory information against my labor of love, which is a staple of what it's all about, giving back to the community that has made it possible to do this. I guess it's just a big joke to you though and you really don't care... Perhaps the 'crybabies' and 'nerds whining about how they want to suck Mario’s cock but aren’t actually gay' here just have a little respect... P.S. This topic is really a personal advertisement and is probably against the rules anyway. I let it go because it it was ROMhacking related to those wondering. And of course, I won't lie, I had the admittedly selfish need to respond to this.
« Reply #24 on: October 18, 2007, 10:36:19 am » |
For the most part I agree with Nightcrawler. Spreading false information is pretty much almost always a bad thing and ends up being detrimental.
What happens if you do become successful? The people that happen to come across and read that article might actually take it at face value and start unwittingly spouting it back to others as facts. I don't know if you've ever been spoonfed information you know for a fact is false by someone that really thinks they know what they're talking about, but it sucks.
The thing that gets me is it's really a first-person experience article, but written from a 3rd person historical standpoint (which is a terrible idea). You say NESticle was the emu that started it all -- but really I'm guessing that just means NESticle was the first emu you used. You say Super KKK Bros is the first hack of that type because it was the first hack of that type you tried... etc.
First person experience/observation articles are fine if written that way. When written under the guise of absolutes they become counter productive. Rewriting your article to make it clear you're talking about your own experiences rather than the actual flow of historical events wouldn't take away from the experience of reading the article at all.... and would regain a lot of credibility.
« Reply #25 on: October 18, 2007, 01:39:11 pm » |
Once again, the title of the article is The History Of ROM-hacking, ACCORDING TO JOMB. I would think that anyone reading it would immediately recognize it as comedy when analog ROM-hacks were talked about, if not simply by the site hosting it. Heaven's help anyone who looks through the hacks that is hosting, and actually thinks they are being offered the whole picture. I'm sure people were making hacks prior to 1997, especially text hacks, but I've been looking for quite awhile and have never found any before then which I would consider offensive or particularly comedic. If such a hack exists I'd love to see it, and will add it in. The edge to my article is that its a pseudo-factual article being writ from the perspective of someone who only cares about the comedy/controversial hacks, you know, the sort the site hosting it is catering to. If I had to spell that out explicitly anymore than I already did it would diffuse most of the humor.
Nightcrawler -
I have'nt been coming to these forums in many months due to other commitments to my time. But there at least was a definite bias against hacks which get catagorized as spoof. I've read on many occasions where people have said they should'nt even be hosted here. The forums dont go back far enough so i cant show you, but there was a time when people insisted you take my hacks off the site. To your credit Nightcrawler, you stood up to them. A year or so ago I submitted The Lone Rapist here and it was rejected. Though many people will automatically dislike such a hack based on its content, it is a very thorough hack, a completely rewritten script in a long RPG game is no small amount of work, plus the graphic alterations and the changes to the music. I just assumed it was rejected based on it being highly controversial, because there is no other basis which would apply. At the time of the controversy surrounding my hacks (particularly Little Remo) being on this site, it was said that there would be voting in the future about what goes up or not. That is all fine, but should'nt it be the authors decision about what is complete? Would that not automatically preclude anything controversial from making the cut? I also know that Dimi had a hack rejected. I've heard of others being rejected second-hand, but will admit the source is not as reliable. This is what I was refering to in my article, though once again my article is full of exaggerations and half-truths because it is a comedy and not a strict biography of events.
I know is also for hacks, but you cant deny it was based in the translation scene. Did'nt it rise up from the ashes of The Whirlpool?
Where you are mistaken, I believe, is when you thought I wrote a history of your community, when in-fact I wrote the pseudo-history of a parallel community which only actually exists on the fringe of this community or outside of it all-together. You personally may aspire to have a unified ROMhacking community, and I believe you are very sincere about that, but you are in the minority as far as the types of hacks on go. I get alot of feedback on my hacks, mostly the feedback from other hackers is negative, even vicious personal attacks sometimes. But the feedback from non-hackers is usually very positive. This site is primarily frequented by hackers, so you are actually going against the tide of public opinion in this community. That is actually why I have a great deal of respect for you, Nightcrawler, and am saddened that you took offense at what was intended to be a light-hearted comedy article.
And you are somewhat correct, to me this is a joke of sorts. ROMhacking has always been about laughs to me. Thats what i primarily value in a ROM-hack. Translations I actually take seriously though.
Disch -
If becomes successful and there are people who actually take it seriously, are they really the sort of person who's opinion you would value? They'd have to be wearing blinders to the whole FAQ and Links section of the site, in addition to somehow missing the theme in all the hacks on the site.
I said NESticle started it all because it was the one which allowed easy editing of tiles and that opened it up to the masses. I said Super KKK was the 1st super-offensive hack because it can be dated and by all accounts I've ever been privy to there is nothing like that that came earlier (and I have looked, I really enjoy comedy hacks).
« Reply #26 on: October 18, 2007, 01:58:48 pm » |
How could you mention the history of Rom-hacking without mentioning Link Studios(dumbest group idea), DES, and TEK? Of course maybe there are 2 seperate timelines. Somebody needs to get to the bottom of this and write a difinitive history about rom hacking.
« Reply #27 on: October 18, 2007, 02:08:31 pm » |
Once again, the title of the article is The History Of ROM-hacking, ACCORDING TO JOMB. That merely implies that Jomb is the author. It does not imply the history is fabricated. Pointing to 3 relatively meaningless words in the title hardly changes the contents of the article itself. If becomes successful and there are people who actually take it seriously, are they really the sort of person who's opinion you would value? Possibly. It depends entirely on the person. There's a difference between someone with nothing to contribute and someone with lots to contribute who has been deceived and/or fed false information. As has been stated, your article doesn't give any clear indication that it's not attempting to give a factual account of the events -- in fact it does the exact opposite, and portrays itself as a factual, historical article. They'd have to be wearing blinders to the whole FAQ and Links section of the site, in addition to somehow missing the theme in all the hacks on the site. Nothing in any of those areas indicate the article is false. Apparently the only person this is obvious to is you. Even Nightcrawler (who is no dummy) seemed to have thought the article was to be taken seriously. And had you not stepped in and said otherwise, I would've thought the same.
The Onyx Dragoon
« Reply #28 on: October 18, 2007, 02:23:51 pm » |
Once again, the title of the article is The History Of ROM-hacking, ACCORDING TO JOMB. I would think that anyone reading it would immediately recognize it as comedy when analog ROM-hacks were talked about, if not simply by the site hosting it. Heaven's help anyone who looks through the hacks that is hosting, and actually thinks they are being offered the whole picture.
*Pulls two more cents out of his pocket.* You put a lot of emphasis on comparing and contrasting the hacks that supports and the "prettied up and gentrified" hacks in your opening paragraph on the History page. So, they are being offered the whole picture (a small glimpse of it, at the least), and you make it seem like we have lost touch with our heritage. If you say that this is the History of ROM-hacking, According to Jomb, then you're admitting that you're ignoring what the general ROM hacking community has accomplished up to this point. (And, yes, you do sound serious in the article.) So, what am I saying? I think you should change the title of your History of ROM-hacking page to something that is less general, unless the general public wants to see you as being ignorant. Also, there seems to be a slight discrepancy. I see statements such as "the puerile and unskilled will not be looked down upon or excluded here," (on the news page) and "maybe I will, maybe I won't" (on the F.A.Q. page). I'm not sure what this means.
Dimi Glivver
« Reply #29 on: October 18, 2007, 03:53:45 pm » |
As has been mentioned already, Jomb's history of ROM hacking begins with an account of the fictional concept of Analogue Hacking, i.e., painting additions to the game's graphics directly on to a television screen. Following this opening gambit, who in their right mind would take the article as a serious & scholarly work?
Onyxyte: you're not sure what it means? In the FAQ I present the following Q (not technically a question, I know) and A:
Q. I made a hack. Put it on your site. A. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. [...]
On the news page I have written the following:
"The puerile and unskilled will not be looked down upon or excluded here."
You seem to be implying that the latter contradicts the former. It's entirely possible for a hack to be unsuitable for hosting at without it being puerile and unskilled. If someone sent me a straight translation hack I'd decline to host it and I'd point them in the direction of Would that constitute "looking down upon" a "puerile and unskilled" hack? Clearly not.