Topic: Screenshots (Read 67874 times)
« Reply #600 on: August 05, 2008, 01:49:22 pm » |
Anyone else get a migraine reading that?
Chester, that stuff looks excellent. I can't wait to see more. ^.^
Praise "logic?" 
« Reply #601 on: August 05, 2008, 01:50:24 pm » |
Anyone else get a migraine reading that?
Chester, that stuff looks excellent. I can't wait to see more. ^.^
Praise "logic?"  Geez, maybe it's my state of mind today. I looked at that and went, "huh?". >.< ~DS
« Reply #602 on: August 05, 2008, 06:43:39 pm » |
Anyone else get a migraine reading that?
Conceptually, it's not so hard as it looks. The implementation gave some headaches to me too  Chester, that stuff looks excellent. I can't wait to see more. ^.^
Thanks, I am glad to hear that my work is appreciated 
« Last Edit: August 05, 2008, 07:22:03 pm by Chester »
« Reply #603 on: August 08, 2008, 09:04:42 pm » |
« Reply #604 on: August 08, 2008, 09:31:24 pm » |
I can already hear the music in my head. This is pretty exciting for me.
« Reply #605 on: August 08, 2008, 10:43:59 pm » |
It's coming. Are ya ready?  Yes!
« Reply #606 on: August 09, 2008, 04:47:20 am » |
I have restarted the work on my Bahamut Lagoon's hacking/translation project just a few days ago.
Wow. Impressive. ^^. I remember doing a 4 th layer adding on the item list menus back then..who knows if I have some backup of the whole somewhere? Did you manage to expand the menu boxes also?
« Reply #607 on: August 09, 2008, 05:34:58 am » |
I have restarted the work on my Bahamut Lagoon's hacking/translation project just a few days ago.
Wow. Impressive. ^^. I remember doing a 4 th layer adding on the item list menus back then..who knows if I have some backup of the whole somewhere? Did you manage to expand the menu boxes also? No, I have not even tried. But I am working on a hack that is somewhat related to that 
« Reply #608 on: August 11, 2008, 03:24:12 pm » |
It's coming. Are ya ready?  Yes! *dances* Yay! I can't wait to play BK III. ^.^ ~DS
« Reply #609 on: August 11, 2008, 04:00:52 pm » |
*dances* Yay! I can't wait to play BK III. ^.^
Hell yeah, Burger King 3! But seriously, what does BK III stand for? RedComet, your screens are very... well I have to admit I didn't read them.  Do you have any action/fight scenes?
« Reply #610 on: August 11, 2008, 05:22:09 pm » |
*dances* Yay! I can't wait to play BK III. ^.^
Hell yeah, Burger King 3! But seriously, what does BK III stand for? RedComet, your screens are very... well I have to admit I didn't read them.  Do you have any action/fight scenes? Bare Knuckle III (i.e. Streets of Rage III in the US). The game is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up.
« Reply #611 on: August 11, 2008, 06:21:43 pm » |
*dances* Yay! I can't wait to play BK III. ^.^
Hell yeah, Burger King 3! But seriously, what does BK III stand for? RedComet, your screens are very... well I have to admit I didn't read them.  Do you have any action/fight scenes? Burger King? XD Now I can't stop calling it that. ^^' And yes it does have fighting in. It just has cut scenes in to tell the story which Sega of America decided to fuck up.  A VWF sure looks sexy in Burger King 3 Bare Knuckle 3!
« Reply #612 on: August 20, 2008, 01:37:48 pm » |
I did a bit of hacking around in FFIV:ET yesterday. Here's the result:   I expanded the equipment menu over a bit, and gave myself two extra spaces for equipment names. 73% of the games items now have full names. This applies to the equipment menu AND shops. However, this doesn't apply to the item menu, and it created two bugs. One should be easy to fix, the other one is probably going to be slightly more difficult. The easy one is that in the shops, if an item uses so many characters that its name goes into the price list, some of the numbers can be cut off. For example: "Phoenix Down" fits perfectly, when you go to buy one. Go to buy ten, and it says the price is "000 gil". I can fix that by expanding the shop menu, and moving some things around. The harder one is in the item menu. If an item's name is so long that the characters go beyond the quantity number, they'll show up next to the number. For example: "Shadow Blade". It shows up as "Shadow B: 1e". Not entirely sure how I'm going to handle that one. And yes, before you say it, I know the other parts of the equipment menu are unfinished. Just give it time, people. =D ~DS
« Reply #613 on: August 20, 2008, 01:50:34 pm » |
Can you put the item name and count on seperate lines?
« Reply #614 on: August 20, 2008, 10:28:26 pm » |
Can you put the item name and count on seperate lines?
Probably not, unless he killed the DTE code used there. The blank spaces above the numbers would be drawn over the item name. I avoided this problem by limiting my item names to 10 characters. Quantity fits, enough of the name fits to know what everything is, and the names fit in every menu so I'm not bouncing between three or four sets like J2e's translation used.