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Author Topic: DQ3 (SNES) Translation  (Read 6844 times)
« Reply #45 on: August 19, 2007, 10:44:14 am »

Quote from: byuu on July 29, 2007, 11:25:58 pm
I don't mean to make a jab at RPGOne or anything, considering I'm not really contributing anything to the project and I know 'real life' (real life? what's that?) issues can get in the way a lot, but I just find it amusing that DaMarsMan seems to have made more progress in the past few months than they have in the past few years.

To be honest, Chris was 95% finished in a few weeks, too. He had my tools for the 12x12, and his 8x8 hacking was mostly complete. The hacking of DQ games is ridiculously easy. The problem, as with all fan translations ... is the translation itself. Nobody was translating the script except for Sky Render (yeah). Whereas DaMarsMan was handed a completed script from DeJap. Which is kind of funny, because if DarkForce would've given me that four years ago, I would've had the game finished myself in 3 months, tops. Who knows, perhaps it didn't exist then. I actually resorted to translating it myself, but my quality was awful, and it took me ~3 months * 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to get literally 10% of the script finished. I finally just gave up after burning out completely on it.

And likewise you, I'm not trying to downplay DaMarsMan's work. He's an excellent hacker, too. But you have to admit, getting a free 100% translated script is super badass. Just saying that either myself or Chris would've finished DQ3r quickly too if we had that script a few years ago.

Why not just make the script available to everyone?  Why not just host it here at romhacking.net?  That way, anyone wanting to translate DQ3r or revise the script or whatever could.
« Reply #46 on: August 19, 2007, 10:59:26 am »

Quote from: yawnmoth on August 19, 2007, 10:44:14 am
Quote from: byuu on July 29, 2007, 11:25:58 pm
I don't mean to make a jab at RPGOne or anything, considering I'm not really contributing anything to the project and I know 'real life' (real life? what's that?) issues can get in the way a lot, but I just find it amusing that DaMarsMan seems to have made more progress in the past few months than they have in the past few years.

To be honest, Chris was 95% finished in a few weeks, too. He had my tools for the 12x12, and his 8x8 hacking was mostly complete. The hacking of DQ games is ridiculously easy. The problem, as with all fan translations ... is the translation itself. Nobody was translating the script except for Sky Render (yeah). Whereas DaMarsMan was handed a completed script from DeJap. Which is kind of funny, because if DarkForce would've given me that four years ago, I would've had the game finished myself in 3 months, tops. Who knows, perhaps it didn't exist then. I actually resorted to translating it myself, but my quality was awful, and it took me ~3 months * 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to get literally 10% of the script finished. I finally just gave up after burning out completely on it.

And likewise you, I'm not trying to downplay DaMarsMan's work. He's an excellent hacker, too. But you have to admit, getting a free 100% translated script is super badass. Just saying that either myself or Chris would've finished DQ3r quickly too if we had that script a few years ago.

Why not just make the script available to everyone?  Why not just host it here at romhacking.net?  That way, anyone wanting to translate DQ3r or revise the script or whatever could.

Because some people care about quality and consistency in their work. Two translators will translate the exact same string two different ways. Not a big deal for things like items lists, but when it comes to dialogue, wouldn't you say it's best if the translation is consistent throughout?
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2007, 10:14:43 pm »

romhacking.net could just say "this is the official copy and the only copy we'll ever host - you can modify it - we're just not going to host your modifications".  Or they could host multiple versions (kinda like what's being done, right now, for Dragon Quest 5, with byuu's translation and DeJap's).  Just because a new version is released by person B doesn't mean it has to replace an older version by person A.
« Reply #48 on: August 19, 2007, 10:42:13 pm »

Quote from: yawnmoth on August 19, 2007, 10:14:43 pm
romhacking.net could just say "this is the official copy and the only copy we'll ever host - you can modify it - we're just not going to host your modifications".  Or they could host multiple versions (kinda like what's being done, right now, for Dragon Quest 5, with byuu's translation and DeJap's).  Just because a new version is released by person B doesn't mean it has to replace an older version by person A.

*Cue tv daydream transition*

Hey, I feel like playing Dragon Quest 3 remix!
Ok, I'm at the download page.

Dragon Quest 3 - Dragonmorph's Super Version 4B
Dragon Quest 3 - EmberKomodog Translations - TRU2DAROOTS version 2
DrAgOn QuEsT 3 - 1337 vErSiOn haxored by Angel-Uriel15 ver. 1.338
Dragon Quest 3 - Dragon Quest 8 version 5.1 ALPHA
Dragon Quest 3 - NES version (except monster names)
Dragon Quest 3 - Loto Gameboy DW3 OFFICIAL version - BY Donut499
« Reply #49 on: August 20, 2007, 01:36:22 am »

most those titles seem like they'd be more appropriate in the ROM hacks category and not the translation category.    if all someone does is make it so every other character is in caps, then is that really a translation or is it just a ROM hack?

« Reply #50 on: August 21, 2007, 01:15:52 pm »

Back on to the topic of this game... I think by use of the fast forward key, I will grind out pilgrims and learn all the spells, switch to wizards, learn all their spells, then change them to soldiers so I will have an ultimate team of ass kickers.  Totally unnecessary, I know... but it would be awesome.
« Reply #51 on: August 22, 2007, 06:06:57 pm »

it's an earlier DQ game, why not just try out the US GBC version, it isn't to bad.
« Reply #52 on: August 23, 2007, 09:15:37 am »

Quote from: Panzer88 on August 22, 2007, 06:06:57 pm
it's an earlier DQ game, why not just try out the US GBC version, it isn't to bad.

It's good for what it is, but I'd take the SNES version in English any day of the week.
« Reply #53 on: October 01, 2007, 07:07:34 pm »

I realize I'm digging up an old post here, but I had a question.  Does the SNES version also have the new class (Thief) that the GBC version did? 
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2007, 12:58:00 pm »

Quote from: Stryker on October 01, 2007, 07:07:34 pm
I realize I'm digging up an old post here, but I had a question.  Does the SNES version also have the new class (Thief) that the GBC version did? 

Yes it did. I think the only thing they added to the gb version (ie, not in the snes version) was Tiny Medals.
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2007, 01:49:14 pm »

No TinyMedals are there. It's the monster medals that are added.
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2007, 06:35:36 pm »

Awesome!  The GBC version was okay, but seemed so sluggish.  Can't wait to play!
« Reply #57 on: October 03, 2007, 09:59:07 am »

Sluggish?  Really?  I personally thought it was rather fast.  Were you playing on an emulator, perchance?

And I'd love to see this translation finished off.  I've played through DQ3 at least 5 times, almost all on the original NES version (once on the excellent GBC version).  Seeing some visuals on par with DQ6 would be really cool.  Not to mention the better sound, to boot.

Keep up the great work.  Smiley
« Reply #58 on: October 05, 2007, 03:47:42 am »

I'm waiting for this one damn patiently! I want me some dq3! Hurry up Mars man!
« Reply #59 on: October 05, 2007, 02:38:16 pm »

Quote from: Piotyr on October 05, 2007, 03:47:42 am
I'm waiting for this one damn patiently! I want me some dq3! Hurry up Mars man!

HAHA.  That sounds awfully patient to me.
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