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Author Topic: DQ3 (SNES) Translation  (Read 6844 times)
« Reply #15 on: July 28, 2007, 03:47:30 pm »

I tried to play the gbc version but it wouldnt run on my flash cart in my ds.
« Reply #16 on: July 28, 2007, 03:57:52 pm »

Quote from: DaMarsMan on July 28, 2007, 01:06:35 pm
The GBC version is actually the best looking GBC game I've ever seen. For GBC it's pretty amazing what the game does. The enemy movement looks incredible and the palettes they choose look perfect on the actual GBC.

Agreed. I beat it on the GBC and from start to finish, I really liked the graphics, story, music, animation... everything. In fact, I like the GBC sprites a little more than the SNES (or NES) ones. O_o

Quote from: Chiba on July 28, 2007, 03:47:30 pm
I tried to play the gbc version but it wouldnt run on my flash cart in my ds.

Lameboy, the Gameboy emulator for the Nintendo DS
« Reply #17 on: July 28, 2007, 11:19:47 pm »

I just realized something, im kinda sad that dragon (Warrior) 3 is the only game in the series for nes that i dont actually own the cartridge of, i beat 1, 2 and 4 all before i was 10 lol. Loved those games ^^. The good ole nes days Tongue.
« Reply #18 on: July 29, 2007, 11:12:56 pm »

Yeah, I think I actually have a Dragon Warrior III cartridge around somewhere, it was a friends that he just left with me...  Yet, it's the only Dragon Quest game (available in English in some shape or form) that I've not beaten.  I've started games numerous times over the years, but never got very far before getting sidetracked or whatnot.  During the days of playing the translations for DQ5 and DQ6, and RPGOne's DQ1+2 translation as well, having seen the translation in progress for DQ3, I just decided to wait for that to be finished.  I remember I was played the GBC version at the time, but was lured by the SNES versions higher music quality and better graphics and effects.  I just figured, it couldn't possibly take *THAT* long, could it?  Hmm...  How many years has it been since I said that?  Around five years I think... 

I don't mean to make a jab at RPGOne or anything, considering I'm not really contributing anything to the project and I know 'real life' (real life? what's that?) issues can get in the way a lot, but I just find it amusing that DaMarsMan seems to have made more progress in the past few months than they have in the past few years.  *shrug*  Looking forward to either patch when they come out, whenever that may be.  Not like I'm in a rush or anything, got plenty of other things to keep me busy in the meantime.  Now, 10-15 years ago, I'd have been a bit more impatient, as I never seemed to have enough to fill my time back then while now I can't seem to find the time as much. 

Anyways, I seem to have exhausted my supply of words for this evening, so I'm just gonna go head back to my quiet lurking and patient waiting.  =P
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2007, 11:25:58 pm »

I don't mean to make a jab at RPGOne or anything, considering I'm not really contributing anything to the project and I know 'real life' (real life? what's that?) issues can get in the way a lot, but I just find it amusing that DaMarsMan seems to have made more progress in the past few months than they have in the past few years.

To be honest, Chris was 95% finished in a few weeks, too. He had my tools for the 12x12, and his 8x8 hacking was mostly complete. The hacking of DQ games is ridiculously easy. The problem, as with all fan translations ... is the translation itself. Nobody was translating the script except for Sky Render (yeah). Whereas DaMarsMan was handed a completed script from DeJap. Which is kind of funny, because if DarkForce would've given me that four years ago, I would've had the game finished myself in 3 months, tops. Who knows, perhaps it didn't exist then. I actually resorted to translating it myself, but my quality was awful, and it took me ~3 months * 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to get literally 10% of the script finished. I finally just gave up after burning out completely on it.

And likewise you, I'm not trying to downplay DaMarsMan's work. He's an excellent hacker, too. But you have to admit, getting a free 100% translated script is super badass. Just saying that either myself or Chris would've finished DQ3r quickly too if we had that script a few years ago.
« Reply #20 on: July 30, 2007, 12:40:38 am »

Excellent move! Wielding the Sword of byuudrik, thou hast finally lifted the DQ curse. Thou hast received a dragon warrior 3 script of radiance for thy efforts. The rom hacketh gods smile upon thee. Wouldst thou like to record thou rom hacketh progress to the adventure's forum? While posting, rememberth to hold in SPELL CHECK while pushing POST.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 01:08:39 am by StarBeamAlpha »
« Reply #21 on: July 30, 2007, 11:52:58 am »

Quote from: StarBeamAlpha on July 30, 2007, 12:40:38 am
Excellent move! Wielding the Sword of byuudrik, thou hast finally lifted the DQ curse. Thou hast received a dragon warrior 3 script of radiance for thy efforts. The rom hacketh gods smile upon thee. Wouldst thou like to record thou rom hacketh progress to the adventure's forum? While posting, rememberth to hold in SPELL CHECK while pushing POST.

Hah, that's awesome!

Yeah let's not bash RPGONE here at all. I already posted on there forums and said how I was looking forward to there patch more than my own and I meant to start no trouble by picking up the project myself. I bet his hacking will be quite a bit better than me as he has more experiece. It is very nice to be handed a complete script. Although it was very literal and was a first draft by Zenithian. It is half-way revised and some stuff just needs to be translated over again. That doesn't mean I wont release a beta though.

Anyways, let this be a lesson to translators...If a hacker has a complete script...They will work much faster and no matter how hard the game is, they will find a way. This game was easy though.
« Reply #22 on: July 30, 2007, 11:54:29 am »

Quote from: DaMarsMan on July 30, 2007, 11:52:58 am
Anyways, let this be a lesson to translators...If a hacker has a complete script...They will work much faster and no matter how hard the game is, they will find a way. This game was easy though.

I have the complete script for DQM for almost a year now and it's still not done... your formula must have a mistake >_<
« Reply #23 on: July 30, 2007, 01:13:07 pm »

Quote from: KaioShin on July 30, 2007, 11:54:29 am
Quote from: DaMarsMan on July 30, 2007, 11:52:58 am
Anyways, let this be a lesson to translators...If a hacker has a complete script...They will work much faster and no matter how hard the game is, they will find a way. This game was easy though.

I have the complete script for DQM for almost a year now and it's still not done... your formula must have a mistake >_<

[Joke about lazy, hairy Europeans here.]  :laugh:

EDIT: I forgot. I've had the script for Spider-man Lethal Foes sitting on my harddrive since December. *ahem* Forget I said anything. >_>
« Reply #24 on: July 30, 2007, 03:19:35 pm »

Ah, glad to see I wasn't too harsh with my reply. I was afraid of offending DMM with my post (not at all my intention).

I have the complete script for DQM for almost a year now and it's still not done... your formula must have a mistake >_<

Hmm, good point. I can't speak for Chris, but I can tell you that if I were given any of the DQ1&2/3/6 scripts completed ... I'd need three months, tops. I absolutely love Dragon Quest. 1-4 were my favorites as a kid growing up, having personally owned all but 3 (and let me tell you, 2-4 were rare), so working on any of them would be a pleasure to me.

So I guess a bit of it depends on how much you like the game, a bit on how much time you have available, and a bit on how skilled you are on said system. DQM sounds tough, being a non-SNES game. There's comparatively very little research and tools for it.
« Reply #25 on: July 30, 2007, 04:37:18 pm »

Here is another post of appreciation from some faceless soul that you don't know, but my god... I am EXTREMELY happy to see that this is FINALLY being completed sometime soon. 

Back when FFV was the major translation in TEH SCENE, I was most looking forward to this and Lennus 2 (which is very colon shift-nine how it seems to have dropped off the face of the earth).  It's sort of like a "completion" of sorts as far as I'm concerned with the translation world.  The allure of DQ3r being completed is what's kept me around all these years, and we're about to get it.  DaMarsMan for just about bringing the long lost treasure to all of us, mass smoochies to you (no, I'm not gay).

After this, I think the most major translations I'll be waiting for will be Lennus 2 (still holding out with hope) and URFBOUND (Mother 3)!
« Reply #26 on: July 30, 2007, 05:30:58 pm »

Quote from: byuu on July 30, 2007, 03:19:35 pm
So I guess a bit of it depends on how much you like the game, a bit on how much time you have available, and a bit on how skilled you are on said system. DQM sounds tough, being a non-SNES game. There's comparatively very little research and tools for it.

It's for GBA, and I'd say after Nes and Snes it's by far the best supported system, both with tools and documentation. You have a extremely awesome debugger, a crappy, but usable assembler (unless Labmaster finishes his better one), tools which handle the compression which is used in 90% of the games... it's not so bad really. And the system itself is very easy to work with. Practically no space limitations without ever dealing with mappers or banks.

What the project currently chokes on is my inexperience when I made the dump. The translated script is in a format that I can't insert without hand editing 1MB of text Undecided\ I need a auto formatter to handle at least the on screen formatting, and since I dislike programming with a passion I've been slacking off a lot on it.
I already made a VWF for both 8x16 (dialogue) and 8x8 (menus and battle text), only one minor bug remained, so all that's left is inserting, editing the menus and finding/editing the title screen and a few images (not more than 10 AFAIK, I bet they are compressed with Bios compressions)
I guess when the auto formatting is finished I could finish the rest easily within a month (not counting beta testing afterwards, the game is really long and it has 3 different endings, not sure how early they branch).
« Reply #27 on: July 30, 2007, 06:10:02 pm »

Quote from: RedComet on July 30, 2007, 01:13:07 pm
Quote from: KaioShin on July 30, 2007, 11:54:29 am
Quote from: DaMarsMan on July 30, 2007, 11:52:58 am
Anyways, let this be a lesson to translators...If a hacker has a complete script...They will work much faster and no matter how hard the game is, they will find a way. This game was easy though.

I have the complete script for DQM for almost a year now and it's still not done... your formula must have a mistake >_<

[Joke about lazy, hairy Europeans here.]  :laugh:

EDIT: I forgot. I've had the script for Spider-man Lethal Foes sitting on my harddrive since December. *ahem* Forget I said anything. >_>

Yeeeeeeeeeeeeah... What happened to that? XD The game got hard as heck for me though. O_O Scorpion, thou art a b----!
« Reply #28 on: July 30, 2007, 09:11:44 pm »

Quote from: byuu on July 29, 2007, 11:25:58 pm
I don't mean to make a jab at RPGOne or anything, considering I'm not really contributing anything to the project and I know 'real life' (real life? what's that?) issues can get in the way a lot, but I just find it amusing that DaMarsMan seems to have made more progress in the past few months than they have in the past few years.

To be honest, Chris was 95% finished in a few weeks, too. He had my tools for the 12x12, and his 8x8 hacking was mostly complete. The hacking of DQ games is ridiculously easy. The problem, as with all fan translations ... is the translation itself. Nobody was translating the script except for Sky Render (yeah). Whereas DaMarsMan was handed a completed script from DeJap. Which is kind of funny, because if DarkForce would've given me that four years ago, I would've had the game finished myself in 3 months, tops. Who knows, perhaps it didn't exist then. I actually resorted to translating it myself, but my quality was awful, and it took me ~3 months * 8 hours a day, 5-6 days a week to get literally 10% of the script finished. I finally just gave up after burning out completely on it.

And likewise you, I'm not trying to downplay DaMarsMan's work. He's an excellent hacker, too. But you have to admit, getting a free 100% translated script is super badass. Just saying that either myself or Chris would've finished DQ3r quickly too if we had that script a few years ago.

See, that's the kind of information a casual lurker like myself can miss from time to time.  I did hear about DaMarsMan getting a mostly complete script, but wasn't sure about RPGOne's progress aside from Sky Render still working on the translation.  Hmm, I could have swore though that I heard lots of complains in the past about the difficult of hacking Dragon Quest games, although maybe that was more in reference to the PSX games?  Like the PSX version of Monsters and DQIVr.  Or maybe this was from DQV or DQVI before the compression methods and whatnot were as well known. 

It does seem a lot of projects end up stalling out waiting for a script.  A few get stuck on some nasty coding or compression, or some just weird glitches. 

And generally I go out of my way to avoid bashing anyone.  Well, unless they really deserve it.  :thumbsup:  If anything I say rubs any of you the wrong way, just ignore it, as it probably just came out wrong. =P 

I can definitely see the boost in motivation to know you don't have anyone to wait on except yourself for a project to be completed, rather than to know that after you get all your work done, you still have to sit around and wait for someone else to give a translated script so you can finish.  Just from lurking, it seems the romhackers are outnumbering the quality translators by a bigger and bigger margin.  Just seems to be a bigger and bigger influx of people wanting to hack something, while it becomes harder to find a translator.  But, that's just how it seems to me, as a lurker who for the most part doesn't go onto IRC, or see any of the 'behind the scenes' sort of stuff that goes on. 

Just keep up the good work y'all.
« Reply #29 on: July 30, 2007, 09:31:01 pm »

It doesn't help that no substantial news about ANY projects is even on the main page. So we go back probably at least a year since there was any public progress on anything there. I can understand how you may be out of the loop. It seems logical to me.

It seems May of 2006 was the last time there was any substantial public news updates on any of the projects.
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