I am working on a Zelda 3 Hack and I would like to be able to decompress the graphics, so I got Zcompress and ran that in Command Line, and after I did that files that resulted were in .Bin file type.
The read me that came with Zcompress did not tell me what program to use to open the Bin Files. How do I open these Bin files. So that I can use a Graphic Editor to modify the files.
What is the best way to make new graphics for Zelda 3, what tools do you recommend I use, what pitfalls should I watch out for.
I am using a fresh Zelda 3 Rom to test the Graphic Editing.
And what does Expanding the Zelda 3 Rom do? Will it allow me to increase the max amount of Blocks, Sprites , and so forth.
If anyone could please enlighten me about Zelda 3 Hacking , I would very much appreciate it.