It also needs to be made perfectly clear that every game can be totally different and your non assembly techniques will likely fail on many other games. At least if you're aware of that, you'll know to try something different rather than think the method is supposed to work and ask why it doesn't.
Hell, even a full tutorial on hacking Game X from start to finish may not be all that useful. It may even generate even more forum requests because people saw method X was used in that tutorial, but it doesn't work in their game. You know my views. Conceptual documents are key. People get way too focused on specifics that don't work beyond a narrow range and don't understand why. They dismiss documents for platform X thinking they'll be no help. etc. etc. I've been there and explained that before.
The fundamental of romhacking is to understand the basic programming the game goes through. This is a skill that isn't really taught, but more of a way of thinking/dealing with the problem/task.
The issue is that some people won't ever quite get it. It is the equivalent of putting crappy singers on American Idol. They simply don't get it, and probably never will.
In any case, it is a mindset and you can try to explain to allow people to grasp such techniques.. and you would have to have developed at least a decent program in whatever language to at least grasp some concepts that is used in romhacking. Once that is understood, it's only a matter of learning CPU specific syntax, testing the game's behavior, and so on.
Romhacking is more of a "how to reprogram" a game mentality.. and should be treated like learning how to program. You don't need a degree to understand everything.. just enough to get by...