i wish you wouldn't do that. either do a translation or just call it a text hack. All the remixes featured rewritten scripts. the piecemeal copying and pasting your doing is going to leave you with a bunch of stray untranslated strings that you'll need to get translated. and then when you do, you're going to have translations that feel different than the rest of the script. it's a cheap way out man.
I second Neil's opinion. Even taking only identical lines, you still have the problem that multiple translators on one script results in a really rough script. Seriously. We had probably 5-10 people help translate Der Langrisser, and even after years of editing, the script is still not entirely fluent yet. It creates more trouble than it's worth to mix translators.
If you have four years' extensive experience (unlike my six of off and on study), I'd recommend doing it yourself entirely, if you are capable.
But at any rate, I look forward to the finished product. Though I personally despise 3D ports of 2D games, this being one of my alltime favorites, I'll definitely be checking it out. Best of luck with whatever you decide to go with, and sorry again that I wasn't able to help you with this game at all.