Topic: Is it possible ? (Read 1 times)
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2008, 03:21:38 pm » |
Hi , I am finally get the Java runtime installed properly , and had ran the Tile Molester first time , and its really hard to say that which tiles match to screen tittle , is there any way to find by searching it or something? Also how can it be confirm that it does not contains compressed graphics?I am still not sure wheather this game has compressed graphics or uncompressed. Heres the screen shot of my Tile Molestor with the rom loaded. 
« Reply #16 on: February 16, 2008, 03:40:06 pm » |
To repeat: go to View/Codec and select 8bpp linear.
The arrow-looking thing on the left side of the window is a scroll bar. Use it to scroll through the ROM and see if you can find anything that looks like the title screen graphics. Note that the colors will not match: Tile Molester loads a default 256-color palette, so the shapes and patterns will match, but the colors will be completely off at this point (we can fix that, though). Just pay close attention for anything that looks like part of the logo: solid colors like the "Need for Speed" logo should still be easily recognizable, for instance.
« Reply #17 on: February 16, 2008, 04:20:02 pm » |
I am not able to find .... or in other words it look so messed up to me , and i cant really find those tiles which i saw in the VBA.
If u allow i can send u the material for checking purpose.
Regards Chain
« Reply #18 on: February 16, 2008, 05:47:06 pm » |
You did select 8bpp linear in the Codec menu like I told you to, right?
« Reply #19 on: February 16, 2008, 05:56:57 pm » |
yes i did select as u said.
Regards Chain
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2008, 06:21:50 am » |
After whole night playing around with NFS:Carbon , finally i have deiceded to choose some other game , as i am new to all this , so starting with a complex game like this would make the life more diffcult , so i have choose the another game and its name is Jackie Chan Adventure:Legned OF the Darkhand Usa version . First of all i want to change the whole tittle screen image , i have taken the screen shot of this rom playing in VBA and its also show which screen i want to change it . I have also taken Tile viewer , Oam Viewer and Map Viewer screen with that screen shot , i thaught it will help me to explain the information of the rom more easily , and i can get the feedback frm the expert ppls like Ryusui. Now i have found the tittle screen which i need to change , but i dont know wat will be my next step frm here on. here's the screen shot.  I really appreciated the help from those nice ppls out there. Awaiting for reply . Regards Chain
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2008, 02:25:11 pm » |
Your next step, of course, is to open the ROM in Tile Molester and see if you can find the graphics data. This time, it's in the GBA's native 4bpp format, so you don't need to go around messing with the codec settings. If you can't find it in Tile Molester, run the ROM through unLZ-GBA and see if it turns up anything. To reiterate: it won't look in Tile Molester like it does on GBA. Here's an example. This is what the title screen logo of Sylvanian Families 4 - Tapestry of the Seasons looks like:  And here's what it looks like when you dig it up in Tile Molester:  It is possible to get it to display properly in Tile Molester, but your first priority is just to find the graphics data.
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2008, 02:47:43 pm » |
Maybe it'd be better to get a proper palette first - makes searching much easier.
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2008, 03:06:24 pm » |
Hi , i have load the rom in Tile Molester , but all i can see is kinda messed up and garbage , i dont think i have seen graphics...its not where matching to ur example of original display and tile molestor display.So i think i have not see the graphics..
Then i tried unlz , normal scan ... all is see is black sqaue i click next 3 times and its all black squares but with differnt sizes..then i tried deep scan...again all i see is just peices of garbages...
if needed i can post the screen shots as well.
BTW , i have used Codec > 4bpp in tile molestor.
Regards Chain
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2008, 03:45:09 pm » |
I told you, you don't need to mess with the codec settings. If you load a file with a .gba extension, the proper codec will be automatically loaded. The only time you might need to mess with the codec settings is if you're trying to find 256-color graphics (i.e. Need for Speed: Carbon's title screen), in which case you'd set it to 8bpp linear, but Jackie Chan Adventures' title screen is 16-color, meaning the default codec is fine.
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2008, 03:58:48 pm » |
This time i didnt touch the codec settings...and it still all messed up ...but just to tell u when i click on Codec menu it was ticked on 4bpp linear , revrse order . is this the standard GBA format? I thaught 4bpp linear is the standard format for GBA , and also for the Jackie Chan game the one i am using it.So after anlyizing the rom with defualt loaded codec , i have clicked on 4bpp linear and it was the same messy and i cant really see any graphics just all garbages.
Regards Chain
« Reply #26 on: February 17, 2008, 04:05:05 pm » |
Yes, 4bpp linear reverse-order. Did you scroll through the entire ROM?
« Reply #27 on: February 17, 2008, 04:18:25 pm » |
yes i scroll thru all rom , but i didnt any part of the tile matching the one i saw in VBA tile viewer. i am posting some screenshot of the tile molester u can have a look on them.Because i could be wrong on guessing wat tiles representing the graphics and wats not. So u please have a look at them as well.     Regards Chain
« Reply #28 on: February 17, 2008, 05:29:29 pm » |
See that second screenshot? And the third? There areviewable graphics in the ROM. Press the plus and minus keys on the keyboard to shift the graphics data byte-by-byte until the tiles are aligned properly, and then give it another look.
« Reply #29 on: February 17, 2008, 05:39:49 pm » |
ok i have give a 4-5 looks after best possible alinging of tiles , but i still cannot be able to pick the screen and change it. There is no way to find the paticular image in the rom located? and change it
Regards Chain