Topic: Is it possible ? (Read 1 times)
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:27:28 pm » |
Hi ,
As u all know i am new to this forum , and i have read some tutorial of getting start , in which i have learn if u want to change the graphics we can use the TLP.
So i want to change the images/title screen/Text for "Need For Speed Carbon Own the City" , is it possible to do or not.
Any kind of help will be appreciated.
Sorry for my English , Thanks in advance.
Regards Chain
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2008, 10:51:53 pm » |
To quote Ryusui, "Everything's possible, you just have to believe!" or something like that...
I'm pretty sure there's documents on it.
Edit: Wait - Need for Speed Carbon? Isn't that a very new game? It is still possible but it certainly will require plenty of skill to do, I bet.
Edit2: Sorry, Ryusui... I always mix your username up. :< And sorry about not quoting you correctly.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 10:03:33 pm by Garoth Moulinoski »
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2008, 11:55:43 pm » |
"Own the City"? From what I can glean from my usual information sources (i.e. Wikipedia and Amazon), that's actually the handheld version of Carbon, for the PSP, DS, and (perhaps most likely to be the one Chain is looking for) Game Boy Advance. Unfortunately, I can't be of much more help than that.
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2008, 01:00:40 am » |
It's "Ryusui", and it's more like "Anything is possible with enough time, effort and cursing."
It will take time, it will take effort, and you will very likely not get it right the first time - in fact, you may royally screw up several times before you succeed.
First lesson: do yourself a favor and ditch TLP. Tile Molester is a touch cranky, but it's omni-platform and virtually omni-format (the only things it can't handle are compression and odd-size tile formats).
Second lesson: as noted above, we need more info before we can help you. There are three different versions of Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City, and we can't help you further unless we know which one you're working on.
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2008, 01:06:26 am » |
Thank you guys for the replies , and sorry for not providing the enough information , As i am new to this. The version i have is this Need_For_Speed_Carbon_Own_The_City_USA_GBA , i got "nfsc.gba" file , which i have tested with VBA , it was running perfect.I know which image i need to change and which text i want to change , but i am just helpless with TLP , i cannot get a full image out of those messed up tiles , is there any trick of something .
One important question u said TLP cannot handle compressed gfx , does this game contains compressed GFX?
Regards Chain
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2008, 01:17:45 am » |
TLP and Tile Molestor cannot handle compressed graphics on their own. The only way you can be sure whether or not the game uses compressed graphics is to scroll through the entire ROM and see if you can recognize anything.
Check the Tile Viewer in VBA and see if the tiles for the title screen display in 4bpp/16-color or in 8bpp/256-color. If it's in 4bpp, the default GBA settings should be fine; if not, go to Tile Molester's "Codec" menu and select "8bpp linear". If you still can't find anything, then the game uses compressed graphics.
If the game has compressed graphics, use unLZ-GBA to search the ROM for graphics compressed using the GBA's built-in compression. Use the Deep Scan option if necessary. If the program still can't dig up anything, the title screen might be compressed using a proprietary system, in which case you'll have to learn ASM in order to fish out the title screen. Sorry.
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2008, 01:24:50 am » |
Thank you for the information , I will give it try for TLP and VBA as u have said , the same has described in tut's but u give me the important tip of how to reconize if it has the compressed images or not. I will post the results.
Regards Chain
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2008, 01:49:51 am » |
TLP and Tile Molestor cannot handle compressed graphics on their own. The only way you can be sure whether or not the game uses compressed graphics is to scroll through the entire ROM and see if you can recognize anything. I have checked randomly but i cannot reconize the tiles.Check the Tile Viewer in VBA and see if the tiles for the title screen display in 4bpp/16-color or in 8bpp/256-color. If it's in 4bpp, the default GBA settings should be fine; if not, go to Tile Molester's "Codec" menu and select "8bpp linear". If you still can't find anything, then the game uses compressed graphics. I have load the rom in the emulator , and get the tittle screen which i want to change then i go Tools>Tile Viewer and i get this , the screen shot is below If the game has compressed graphics, use unLZ-GBA to search the ROM for graphics compressed using the GBA's built-in compression. Use the Deep Scan option if necessary. If the program still can't dig up anything, the title screen might be compressed using a proprietary system, in which case you'll have to learn ASM in order to fish out the title screen. Sorry. Awaiting for your reply. Regards Chain
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 06:09:35 am by Spikeman »
« Reply #8 on: February 16, 2008, 02:28:52 am » |
Click through the Char Base options and see if you see anything. If it doesn't work, click 256 and go through the Char Bases again.
EDIT: On a side note, you kinda broke the forums with that big whoppin' screenshot. Even if all you have at your disposal is MS Paint, you can still crop the image by going to Attributes and changing the picture's dimensions.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 02:43:03 am by Ryusui »
« Reply #9 on: February 16, 2008, 02:57:32 am » |
First of all i am very sorry if i have broken rules of forum next time i will be very careful posting the images, This time i have make the picture small now.Hope it wont be annoying. I am getting this screen and 256 and char base 0x6000000 , i dont know frm this point where to go. 
« Reply #10 on: February 16, 2008, 03:24:41 am » |
Like I said: click through the Char Base selections and see if the tiles for the title screen come up.
This is all just extraneous at this point, though: we might need to know exactly where the title screen is stored in VRAM later, but from the looks of things, yes, the title screen is in 8bpp format. So the next step is for you to download Tile Molester, open up the ROM in it, go to View/Codec and select 8bpp linear. Scroll down carefully through the ROM, and hopefully you should find the title screen somewhere. If you can't find it, then things get more complicated: by no means impossible, but if unLZ-GBA turns up nothing, then the game uses a proprietary form of compression and matters take a slippery slide straight into ASM hacking, for which you will need one of two things: 1, a familiarity with the workings of a command line and the excellent freeware debugger VBA-SDL-H, or 2. $15 to spend on no$gba, the best debugging emulator available. ASM hacking is the dragon every romhacker will likely find themselves up against: everyone is ultimately up to the task given enough level grinding, as it were, but it takes time and patience to learn the basics.
« Reply #11 on: February 16, 2008, 03:51:50 am » |
i have downloaded the Tile Molester , but upon extraction it gives me only some .xml and other files , there is not exe file , do i need to do something speacial to run this app.
For example i can see the tiles for the tittle screen which i want to change , this app will allow me import a .bmp image and replace the current screen ? or i need to make the images in tiles which i think is out of my whole scope of computer knowledge , because i have no idea how to make a one whole image on tiling...#
Regards Chain
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2008, 06:11:05 am » |
Tile Molester is a Java app. If you have Java installed you should be able to just double click "tm.jar" and it will run.
(On a side note my edit to your above post was to unbreak the forum's layout.)
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2008, 12:06:50 pm » |
I am installing the java runtime now after i have finished the download.Will post the results.
Regards Chain
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2008, 02:20:47 pm » |
If the graphics are uncompressed, they'll probably be in a regular pattern: once you find the graphics, all you should have to do to make them align into the title screen image is fiddle with the Canvas Size settings.
The palette is another beast entirely. Get WindHex and go back to VBA. Dump the title screen's palette to a file: I can't recall if there's an option for this in the palette viewer, but if there isn't you can just go to the memory viewer and dump $200 (512) bytes starting at 5000000 (IIRC; it's been a while since I last did GBA work). Open up the palette data you dumped in one instance of WindHex; open the game ROM in another, and search for the palette data in the ROM using the Hex Search function (you should only have to search for the first few bytes). If you find the palette, take note of the location where it starts: use Windows Calculator to convert it into decimal (this is one of Tile Molester's "cranky" parts) and use the Import Palette/From This File function to import the palette from the address in decimal. The palette should have 256 entries.