I agree with you except for some of the terrible TERRIBLE English voice acting. Solution? get better English voice acting. Quick fix? leave the Japanese on.
Oh yes. There are English dubs that are truly execrable. They're in the vast minority, but they still happen, and when they happen, I start reaching for the Japanese language option.
If our friend KeitaroSaiyaman were working on "Blood Will Tell: Tezuka Osamu(sic)'s Dororo", for instance...
Well...games I have in mind 'cause I've done a couple of tests and know they're quite possible to work :thumbsup::
- RockmanX8/MegamanX8 (managed to change videos and dialogs, but in-game screams still in English)
- Rockman X Command Mission/Megaman X Command Mission (videos changed, but there are some bugs due to the timing of the Jap/US dialogs...)
- Shining Force NEO (video subbed, dialogs back to Japanese but again the in-battle voices are in English - if anyone played Disgaea 1 knows what I'm talking about)
- Shining Force EXA (same as above)
I got the PAL version of Dororo but I've never been able to find the Japanese release

Ryu ga Gotoku/Yakuza - I don't have any ideas of what to do... just have a lot of .DAT files...
I didn't find the NTSC-J release of Sonic Riders as well...
Kingdom Hearts is my dream, but it's far beyond all the knowledge I have and might have someday

Just a point: I'm not a programmer, nether a hacker or something like that - just a guy who knows a little bit of video edition...so any help is useful here o-o
PS: I've checked on alucard.cc for some tutorials for LBA talbes, but nothing so far