Topic: Undubbing PS2 Games... (Read 1227 times)
« on: December 23, 2007, 08:15:12 am » |
Alright...I've managed to extract, edit and replace the audio and video files from the AFS file, but the in-battle audio still in English and the only place I can imagine them to be is in the .DAT file which I cannot open. So I thought using a LBA tool, but I have no idea to what to search for...any suggestions? This goes for a lot of PS2 games, such Shining Force NEO, Shining Force EXA, RockmanX8, Ryu ga Gotoku...
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2007, 01:48:03 pm » |
"Undubbed"...that's a word I'd love to see erased from the Internet. Why not just say "Replacing audio in PS2 games"? 
Kyrael Seraphine
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2007, 01:54:50 pm » |
"Undubbed"...that's a word I'd love to see erased from the Internet. I can agree with you, but for a different reason. I wish it never had to be used. There's almost no reason why dual language options can't be present. That's neither here, nor there, however. Man, reminds me of Bujingai. That game only had one reason to exist, and what did they do? They went and dubbed it out. Sheesh.
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2007, 05:58:27 pm » |
Sorry guys - I'm no native speaker so I cannot understand very well all your anger against the word 'undub' (although I know it's a neologism) And also, undub is the most common word to describe what I want, so I thought would be better (as I've tried other foruns "how to replace the audio" some years ago and no one could understand me, and I don't think my Eng is that bad...) Anyway... I really want to make this project...every advice is important...
« Reply #4 on: December 23, 2007, 08:26:50 pm » |
Sorry guys - I'm no native speaker so I cannot understand very well all your anger against the word 'undub' (although I know it's a neologism) And also, undub is the most common word to describe what I want, so I thought would be better (as I've tried other foruns "how to replace the audio" some years ago and no one could understand me, and I don't think my Eng is that bad...) Anyway... I really want to make this project...every advice is important...
I've no idea what Ryusui's reason is, but I imagine it involves Dragonball Z and the fansubs-are-better-than-official-dubs kiddies. 
« Reply #5 on: December 23, 2007, 09:15:33 pm » |
Eh, you pretty much nailed it, though change "Dragonball Z" to "every freakin' anime ever featured on television". Seeing the phrase "One Piece undubbed" or referring to "un-dubbing Series X" repeatedly used by idiot n00bs on the GameFAQs anime boards has changed me. So, for that matter, has seeing morons complain that "Nightmare's Steelcage" in an ep of the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime doesn't match their crappy HK subs or that "Pandemonium" in the Dark Crisis expansion doesn't match Edo's intentionally incompetent translation. (While 4Kids' taint spreads to all corners of the franchise - "Slifer the Sky Dragon" in the Yu-Gi-Oh! manga will not be forgiven - even a broken clock, as it happens, is right twice a day. That, and UDE has done their damnedest to subvert their influence.) There's a crotchety old man who's grown inside of me as a result of being exposed to all this nonsense. On the plus side, the budding weeaboo within me has been long since nipped, and my experiences with both sides of the equation has given me a kind of objectivity that greatly aids in my translation work. I shudder to think there was once a time when referring to the series as anything but "Maple Town Story" would send me into a tirade...although the U.S. names did suck royally. 
« Reply #6 on: December 23, 2007, 10:16:09 pm » |
not to be rude, but should this topic even be IN the personal projects subforum? don't want to single it out though, there have been a lot of topics here recently that aren't about a hack that is started for a specific game with a team, shouldn't that stuff end up in general romhacking?
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2007, 01:21:17 am » |
not to be rude, but should this topic even be IN the personal projects subforum? don't want to single it out though, there have been a lot of topics here recently that aren't about a hack that is started for a specific game with a team, shouldn't that stuff end up in general romhacking?
You make a good point. I thought it was already in General Romhacking or I'd have moved it sooner. Also, in the future PM a moderator or use the report post button please. 
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2007, 01:32:04 am » |
ok, sorry
Kyrael Seraphine
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2007, 01:48:40 am » |
I've no idea what Ryusui's reason is, but I imagine it involves Dragonball Z and the fansubs-are-better-than-official-dubs kiddies.  That's the thing: we usually are. :p Without any hubris, I know I'm better than quite a few of the idiots getting paid to do what I do. Gideon's the same, as would Eien be, most likely. Ryusui as well. Just throwing names out at random, mind. Hell, I support what the guy wants to do, because I support choice.
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2007, 02:28:37 am » |
That's the thing: we usually are. :p Not the guys at TV-Nihon, that's for sure. Though Persona 3 made me wonder. And whoever wrote Dark Horse's translation of Trigun should be beaten mercilessly with a dictionary. Without any hubris, I know I'm better than quite a few of the idiots getting paid to do what I do. Gideon's the same, as would Eien be, most likely. Ryusui as well. Just throwing names out at random, mind. Well, it's always a bad sign when I find myself thinking "that could have been worded better", or worse, "I could do better than this". Uneven translations are even worse: Viz's work on Yu-Gi-Oh! has grown steadily worse with time, to the point where they're even too lazy to research the cards featured in the manga. There are many cases where they've half-assed card names (and yes, the official names are better) and referred to them as "Not a Real Game Card" in their end-of-volume translation notes. And who would have thought that a single extraneous "the" added to "The God of Obelisk" could make me wish they'd use 4Kids' "Obelisk the Tormentor"? (I'm still thinking of scanslating my Yu-Gi-Oh! R collection even though Viz has officially picked it up - finally - if only because the scene where Yugi shouts "Stand aside!" and summarily Thunder Forces the next Duel Professor without even a proper Duel is too awesome to be spoiled by the card in his hand saying anything but "Saint Dragon - The God of Osiris".) Hell, I support what the guy wants to do, because I support choice. No problem there. ^_^
Kyrael Seraphine
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2007, 08:00:07 am » |
(I'm still thinking of scanslating my Yu-Gi-Oh! R collection even though Viz has officially picked it up - finally - if only because the scene where Yugi shouts "Stand aside!" and summarily Thunder Forces the next Duel Professor without even a proper Duel is too awesome to be spoiled by the card in his hand saying anything but "Saint Dragon - The God of Osiris".) Uh, if you ever want to scanslate anything, give me a bell. ATT's pretty flexible with what we pick up and release (as long as it's not licensed, heh. Sorry. I can help you do licensed stuff, it just won't be associated with ATT), if it comes with a tler. Heh. For obvious reasons. (Never mind the fact that we're sorely missing both translators and QC people to begin with.)
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2007, 08:46:30 am » |
OK...I got lost around here... I don't know how is the US dubbing, I just watched a couple of animes on Cartoon Network with SAP option (Pokémon is the only one I can remember now) and played some games such as Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 (not the GH version). Well...anyway...I prefer Japanese audio...feels more authentic..
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2007, 10:22:39 am » |
*Ahem*  ....You need to search and guess the lba routine,and for that you need to know where it is,the .dat file could have an external lba table,please can you post a filelist if it isn't too much trouble for you? Thanks.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2007, 10:30:50 am by saito »
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2007, 01:15:38 pm » |
The DAT file is named DIRIMAGE.DAT so I think DIRINFO.BIN is the key to solution...  Files from both versions are in a 25kb RAR archive here: saito 