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Author Topic: DQ5 update  (Read 3243 times)
« Reply #30 on: February 15, 2007, 10:54:01 am »

Quote from: Shinkinrui on February 15, 2007, 06:51:05 am
I would like to interject here as a person who knows jack shit about ROM/game hacking/translation, but enjoys the fruits of the labor. I'm sure that with that first sentence, I have discredited anything else I'm going to say in this discussion, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Hehe, I like you. At least your honest. Motivation and it's sources certainly differs from person to person, but that's no excuse for altering the potential quality of a project.


Perhaps you are not communicating your intentions the best way. I think you may be misunderstood. No translators have stepped forward, so you want to stick any old thing in there so you can get a working patch demonstrating your work. Is that what you are really trying to say?

That's an entirely different scenario than saying you're not waiting for a translator, copying somebody else's script and trying to mish mash the additional script in later and call it a done project. That's the part everybody is criticizing.

Have some patience. First off, your DQ5 help add here doesn't have a webpage listed. Second, if you go to Kojiro Translations, the DQ5 project linki(in the flash intro) is busted. It's also busted and shows virtually nothing on the project page you can get to from the Projects section. There's been no news since July 2006 on the site. Not to mention you have to wait for that nearly illegible annoying flash intro text to finish EVERY single time. But that's unrelated.

So anybody who goes to that page has NO IDEA you even need a translator for the project or even that you're working on it!

The ONLY people who even know are people who frequent this message board.

It will help your chances at a translator to reach a larger audience than just the handful of people who are on this board.

I just don't get you people who complain about not having translators and within 5 seconds, I can determine you're not doing a multitude of things that you could be doing to help your cause.
« Reply #31 on: February 15, 2007, 01:45:37 pm »

New site in progress.

Hmmm...I could go on about how Wozz should have more than 8 limit items. That hurts the quality of the game. So maybe you should think about practicality first with this game too.

Thanks Shinkinrui for your support. By the way, I have absolutely no web page design experience. So I'm waiting for kojiro to get that done. I was thinking about doing a page just for DQ5. Where maybe people could post comments and maybe perhaps view parts of the script and offer suggestions about translation revisions.
« Reply #32 on: February 15, 2007, 02:10:24 pm »

Hmmm...I could go on about how Wozz should have more than 8 limit items. That hurts the quality of the game. So maybe you should think about practicality first with this game too.

<going mildly offtopic, sorry>

8x8 vwf on the SNES is incredibly tough. Not technically, it's easy to hack up the game to blit in your 8x8 vwf tiles and get them onscreen. But very tough to get the 400 different 8x8 text printing routines all using your new vwf routine, and managing all of those tiledata + tilemap transformations across multiple different screens that mix and match things up, and getting it all working fast and without nasty side effects like the tilemap drawing before tiledata, thus showing gibberish tiles, etc.

While it's possible to add 8x8 vwf in most games that don't store tiledata for other BGs immediately after the 256-tile 8x8 set (Dragon Quest 5 does this, making the 8x8 vwf virtually impossible), it's incredibly difficult in all but a few specialized games (such as Der Langrisser and Bahamut Lagoon, which lacked the kind of cross-menu scenarios* you can run into with eg Dai Kaijuu Monogatari, WOZZ, etc).

* example: you have 8x8 vwf for your four character names in one spot, more 8x8 vwf for your text menu on the left, another sub-window pop up on top of that menu on the left, more for your status screen text labels on the right, another routine for the 8x8 helper character names at the bottom right, and then the user switches to the tactics screen which also uses 12x12 vwf so that takes even more tiles up. You have to be sure that you have enough tiles for everything onscreen without overwriting anything existing, yet you can't rely on globally persistent state variables since you're hooking a game rather than creating it yourself, so you have to carefully plan where you want tiles, when you need to flash update VRAM to clear out tiles before a tilemap is written, when too many of these vblank waits will kill the game's responsiveness speed, etc etc.

It really isn't worth the trouble, and even if you're the best coder around, you can't account for 100% of all edge cases, and you'll end up with a buggy/glitchy translation patch that runs the game and menus significantly slower. There's a reason not even professional companies with access to the source code dared to try and add 8x8 vwf to the games.

Nightcrawler's only viable option for WOZZ was probably hacking out two-items-per-line stuff to one-item-per-line stuff. Even this fails in many cases, such as equipment screens and shops where there's already only one item per line, but is at least a start.
And two line 8x8 ALWAYS looks like shit, no matter how you do it. It's hideous.
« Reply #33 on: February 15, 2007, 03:18:58 pm »

My point was that although a solution is possible. It didn't seem worth it due to the extra work needed. I feell the same way until someone wants to translate this game completely.
« Reply #34 on: February 15, 2007, 03:37:15 pm »

I agree with DaMarsMan decision, it will help keep the project in motion. Who doesn't hate getting their hopes up, just to be disappointed by another dead project  Tongue. I just hate hearing that "real life" got in the way, I suppose that means prior to that the individual was not experiencing "real life".

A retranslation shouldn't be necessary at all, if a good editor looks over the work. In fact, I think the editor is more vital to a professional/quality work, than a the translator or writer. Writers have been known to change styles of writing in the middle of a book (EX: Mark Twain). "Good" translators tend to error on the side of accuracy, rather than readability. An editor can be unbiased and simply focus on the flow and unity of a work, rather than its content.
« Reply #35 on: February 15, 2007, 06:40:22 pm »

Quote from: DaMarsMan on February 15, 2007, 01:45:37 pm
New site in progress.

Hmmm...I could go on about how Wozz should have more than 8 limit items. That hurts the quality of the game. So maybe you should think about practicality first with this game too.

What are you even talking about? The translationis what makes this a translation project. Without the script, you have nothing. It's the biggest and most important part thing there is. It's also the only thing that makes it different than a standard ROM hack throwing any old thing in there.  You're just picking bones and trying to make this personal. This is not going to degrade into a personal unrelated tangent.

Your last several posts have been very anger filled and becoming unrelated. Perhaps we need to lock this topic. It's no longer going anywhere productive it seems.
« Reply #36 on: February 15, 2007, 10:35:34 pm »

Yeah...you can't provide proper translations with 8 limit length. That's my point. I'm frustrated that most of the people I respect in the community disagree with my decision. Is Dejap's translation really that bad? I started this thread as an update to what's going on about the project. Then I get all these objections to how I'm doing things. You're going to start locking threads created by your own staff members? I don't see what's the big deal.
« Reply #37 on: February 15, 2007, 10:41:34 pm »

Hey Nightcrawler, there's a good point actually. I still do have a DQ5 page on my "old" layout, but I don't have any project pages on my new layout at all. Not to mention the fact that I had planned alot more into the work I've already done that I had to just give up on. I had planned an entire admin control panel for the entire website, so that greg could easily edit, add, or delete anything he wishes, but I unfortuneately can't dedicate the time to implement a control panel. I do at least however wish the projects page to be ran off of one dynamic template and fill html into areas based on a conditional execution of PHP, that way I can update multiple projects at once MUCH easier. However I'm probably going to see myself having to go the long way every time because I can't take a more challenging, but more conventional, method of construction. I have alot to deal with right now and I'm going through a really bad time.

Actually to most beneficial things I could ever do right now is either to find myself a new programmer to program this hard work and then lay him off so I can take care of the rest, or to teach greg to be able to do this sorta thing himself and since I can't really actually do much towards a project (there are things I can do, but I gotta tell ya, I'm not skilled with experience), I could probably just end up leaving the scene and living a life without dedicating it to these things. I mean, I love the scene and everything, but I'm by no way an important factor, I'm just good with communication, very outgoing, have good managing skills in which I keep logs and have extensive web programming experience. The knowledge I know of ROM hacking can't even amount to any of the legends here. The only hacks I did were a Faxanadu script re-do, a DW4 map hack, and some playstation assembly hacks I do for practice. I can hack save states too, but thats so basic that it isn't even funny. Even if I knew Japanese, without some form of a legendary master, I'd probably never get through with an entire translation.

I don't know, it would be kinda nice just to let greg learn what I know about the web and just let him take care of everything that normally I would and I'd just go and host my server for him. I haven't even sat and played a good game in months, and I used to hammer games daily like no tommorrow, I have to squeeze time in at work just to read forums and if I'm lucky post nowadays.
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2007, 05:54:33 am »

Quote from: Nightcrawler on February 15, 2007, 10:54:01 am
Motivation and it's sources certainly differs from person to person, but that's no excuse for altering the potential quality of a project.

I guess my point is that at least he's doing something instead of letting the project sit. He said he's tried to enlist help at various forums, with no luck. Sure, patience is a virtue, but maybe some people don't have enough of it to put up a webpage and wait for a good, dedicated translator to come along.

Anyway, I stand by my original statement that DaMarsMan is not getting the support he should be. You're certainly entitled to your opinion about what he should do, but I think it's kinda wrong for everyone to be this negative with him and then threaten to close his thread when he gets frustrated with everyone being that way.

I'll say it once more, since no one has taken my example to heart:

Thanks, DaMarsMan. Much love and appreciation.

P.S. Is it so hard to say something similar to the above statement before you criticize?
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2007, 10:00:43 am »


I can certainly understand as a fellow web developer your situation and lack of time. But by having NO version of a working site, you're not helping matters, you know? Get SOMETHING up and running. That way you have something while you take however long it's going to take for the new site. Right now, the old site doesn't work and the new site isn't finished. It shouldn't take much to at least get the old site working again to be useful to some degree while to hold you over, right? I'm only giving you my honest opinions because these are things that I think are important to your cause. Obviously lack of translation support is an issue. But, you guys are shooting yourselves in the foot by not even letting people know you even need one easily. How do you expect to get a translator when only a small handful of people know you're even looking? It seems like logic to me. We already know translators are scarce. You need to reach as many people as possible to heighten your chances that someone will come along who is interested and know that are looking. Interested candidates could have potentially passed right on by your site.


It doesn't matter who started the thread. All threads are treated equally. If they degrade into unhelpful, unproductive, nonsense as this thread is dangerously close to, it should be locked like any other. You obviously don't want to hear to the criticism here, so what's the point of leaving it open? I'll leave it open if you want it open as long as it doesn't' degrade farther or go off on a tangent somewhere.

Listen man, there's probably good reason that many of your peers are in agreement about your project decision. Not all of us can be idiots, right? This isn't about DeJap's scripting being bad. That has nothing to do with it. You're missing what everybody is trying to tell you.

I don't know what else can be said. Do as you wish, but don't be surprised with the lack of fanfare you may get from your peers.
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2007, 12:40:20 pm »

I think it will be relatively popular even if he just copies Dejap's work. For one example, wasn't Gideon Zhi's initial Rudra patch just a retranslation of a French translation? Quite a hit for quality going through not one but two language barriers. Most everyone still enjoyed it, as anyone who knew Japanese to criticize anything wouldn't be playing the English version anyway. And for all I know, the end result may very well have been of impeccable quality anyway.

I'm not trying to say the quality would be appalling by copying an existing script, just simply lower than translating it all with one translator. And I obviously really care about this particular game, and was disappointed with the end-result SFC translations, so I see this as sort of a `last-shot' for a quality English translation. I know that whenever I half-implement something, I rarely ever go back and correct it later. DaMarsMan, you're certain you will be retranslating it all later on, even if you lose interest when you get all but that part finished? It would just be nice if we could hold community standards above that of some of the crap given to us by "professional" companies. And once again for the record, I just provided my two cents; you're obviously free to do whatever you want.
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2007, 01:10:49 pm »

Maybe if we are really patient Nintendo will find a good translator for DQ5.
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2007, 01:13:41 pm »

W I L L _ S Q U A R E - E N I X _ E V E R _ R E L E A S E _ V C _ G A M E S ?
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2007, 01:22:22 pm »

Quote from: KingMike on February 16, 2007, 01:13:41 pm
W I L L _ S Q U A R E - E N I X _ E V E R _ R E L E A S E _ V C _ G A M E S ?

I think if the VC continues to do as well as they claim, there is a possibility. Nintendo could sell licenses to companies, so that the companies could obtain the necessary signatures to play their games on the VC. Imagine a Square/enix Snes RPG pack being sold on dvd. Or maybe Nintendo could obtain/buy the license to publish the games from other developers on the VC. They are making enough profit to take the risk.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2007, 05:58:47 pm by Sleeping Turtle »
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2007, 05:42:13 pm »

I would kill for a paying job of translating old console games for the VC... What does this have to do with DQ5?
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