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Author Topic: A (very) shitty idea  (Read 7923 times)
« Reply #90 on: December 04, 2006, 06:20:14 am »

Gemini: I haven't really been paying attention; I've got a number of other projects I really should be working on, so...

KaioShin: Allrighty, thanks. Smiley
« Reply #91 on: December 04, 2006, 07:07:29 am »

Quote from: Gemini on December 02, 2006, 03:01:06 pm


I'm actually interested to see what Gemini and all the other PSX ASM hackers will be able to contribute. I've taken a look at the PSX before and...hoo boy is it different. O_o
« Reply #92 on: December 04, 2006, 08:47:14 am »

That makes me wonder how different the saturn is...
« Reply #93 on: December 04, 2006, 05:38:14 pm »

I'm just wondering how big the average ISO is for PSX games. The one I found for Black Matrix is separated into 7 parts which are all about 40 MB in a rar.

I only have about 3 GB left on my hard drive, so I'm wondering if it will take up a lot of space, with backups, savestates and all.
« Reply #94 on: December 04, 2006, 06:18:18 pm »

Well, the maximum size you'll see an iso for a single-disc PSX game is 650-700 MB.
« Reply #95 on: December 04, 2006, 06:30:27 pm »

No PSX ISO is ever going to be bigger than your standard CDs, largely because they *are* CDs.
Kitsune Sniper
« Reply #96 on: December 04, 2006, 08:38:53 pm »

Quote from: Aerdan on December 04, 2006, 06:30:27 pm
No PSX ISO is ever going to be bigger than your standard CDs, largely because they *are* CDs.
I've made 900+MB ISOs from game CDs.

Some need subchannel data to run properly. The content may not exceed 700~ish MB, but the size of the image will.
« Reply #97 on: December 04, 2006, 08:47:00 pm »

Or it could be a DVD ISO. But then it wouldn't be a PSX iso >_>

I know DarkStalkers 3 exceeds the 700 MB size by like a few 50 MBs.
« Reply #98 on: December 04, 2006, 09:02:21 pm »

Some can be bigger than 700MB. This is why we have overburn features in most burning programs. I think technically it can go up to like 730MB or something. That's what they used to do when they ripped those 1GB dreamcast games and wanted to keep as much data as possible.
« Reply #99 on: December 05, 2006, 10:11:48 am »

Quote from: 周防 達哉 on December 03, 2006, 05:14:13 am
Just because there is a dead project announced? If you say so, then we should even remove Khamrai (2 groups were working on it, but they seem to be dead), Echo Night 2 (secret project) and Growlanser (there is even an ad in help wanted) just because somebody is supposed to be working on them. I think leaving them in the list won't hurt anybody.

Yes don't remove Growlanser. I'm doing a script translation as a simple text file on gfaqs for it but it's still a rather poor one and I definitely wouldn't mind having you guys taking care of that game. Heck, I'm not even sure I can complete the translation if I'm all by myself. I originally started it to help a couple of friends who wanted to translate the game but they basically dropped it very quickly and I ended up alone. The game has such a great story it'd be a shame to ignore it especially since 2&3 have now been translated.
Thus I give my vote to Growlanser Grin
« Reply #100 on: December 05, 2006, 12:32:27 pm »

Hi there - thought I'd chime in on Growlanser.
I've been lurking here at RHDN for quite some time (great place, by the way), and a while back thought I'd try my hand at a project.  I picked Growlanser, as no one seemed to be working on it, 2&3 are in the states, and there was Borgor's translation effort under way at gamefaqs.  I am at something of a disadvantage as I haven't played very deep into it, nor have I played 2 or 3.

As a complete newbie, I just dove in, using this site as a resource.  I was initially just testing the water, but I've managed to make some progress (I think).  The funny (and relevant) thing is, I've been tracking my work/struggles/findings, which seems to be the point of this project.  Though I'm certain my methods are unconventional, someday, and with some cleaning up, it could conceivably be a "newbie vs Growlanser" type document.

Where I'm at right now is that much of the "grunt" work has been done.  A table file is almost complete (except for some of the tougher kanji).  I've found much (all?) of the dialogue and pointers, and have the beginnings of a dumper set up.

At some point, I figured I'd need to appeal here for help - for more advanced hacking and/or translation support.  This seems like a prime opportunity to at least point out my progress.

If Growlanser is chosen, I'm not sure I'd commit to being a regular/reliable member of the team, but I'd be willing to submit what I have so far to give you all a running start.  Whether this defeats the purpose of the project, I'll leave up to you.

I am not trying to stake a claim to Growlanser here.  The goal is to get it translated and playable, right?  If this team picks it, great!  If anyone else out there is working on it, great!  To the extent we can work together in some fashion, I'd be up for that.  I'd hate for my minimal efforts to hold up a significant effort.

Whether or not Growlanser is chosen, I'm going to continue tinkering, as it's been a good learning experience so far, and there's much more to learn.  If anyone would be willing to help out at some point, that would be good.  Though I should warn you I don't have tons of time, so I tend to work slowly.

Sorry for the long post, and if it goes off topic somewhat.
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #101 on: December 05, 2006, 12:51:59 pm »


Soul Hackers is certainly not dead. It's just frozen for the moment - it'd look rather stupid to have your character's name be displayed in 16x16 characters while the rest of the text is displayed in 8x16, yes? I haven't been able to fix this, or do the 8x8 variable-width that'll probably be necessary for names in combat, but these are the only issues preventing the game from progressing at the current time. Once these are resolved, I'll give Ian the go-ahead to continue with the scripts, and believe me, he's already made substantial progress.
« Reply #102 on: December 05, 2006, 07:49:43 pm »

I've been trying to download Black Matrix 00, because it looks like it's on track for winning..

The only problem is that it's HUGE!

Quoted from the site I found to download it from:
Packed: 671MB
Unpacked: 1,25GB

As I said before, I only have about 3GB free on my hard drive, is there a way we could hack the packed ROM? I mean.. do most current tools even support files that big? Tongue
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #103 on: December 05, 2006, 08:23:09 pm »

It's a 2-disc game.

More than likely, the vast majority of the files on the discs are the same, saving movie and possibly voice data. You would instead simply work on one disc, and apply the translation to the files on both. Similarly, when working on a disc game, you don't edit the disc image itself - a filesystem is already in place, so you can instead deal with the individual files. In the event that most of the data has been packed into one large binary, that binary will need to be unpacked into its component files before it can realistically be edited.
« Reply #104 on: December 05, 2006, 09:16:05 pm »

Oh man, looks like this will be a BIG project.. good think we have all these people willing to help out.
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