Game link:
This is Rockman 2 Neta, a Japanese freeware game which is based on Mega Man 2 for the NES (it's not a ROM hack, but it's really damn similar to the original). The whole game is just you against all 8 bosses at once. When you get a game over, you get some sort of extra help added to the config menu, like reducing the game speed or starting with energy tanks. The screen that gives you this is a replica of the "You got a special weapon" screen from the original (handled in this game by \\Data\\WeaponGet.txt). Being that I'm trying to get this into English, I want this to look like the NES version, so the text has to be moved into the right location.
I've been able to handle the translation so far, but I need to move some of the text strings over to be able to fit the English replacement text. This is where I'm having trouble. I've been messing around with it, but trial-and-error takes a very long time, consider there's no quick and easy way to get the text to appear (you have to lose all your lives once for each screen, and there are seven screens).
Comparison pics below. These are from the NES games. See how the text is shifted over a bit in the English version? That's what I want.
I think this game was made with Game Maker. All the image and sound files, and even most of the code, is in plain, uncompressed files in one of the game's folders. I don't really have any coding experience, but I was able to move text in a different file. For some reason, though, this text behaves differently.