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Author Topic: Metroid: Project SR377  (Read 2 times)
« on: September 28, 2009, 12:59:04 am »

Hack Name: Metroid: Project SR377
Base ROM: Metroid
System: NES
Planned Changes: Full Level Layout Changes and Possible Graphical Changes
Planned Features: Full scale level layout and graphics hack.

My first ROM Hack and I chose Metroid as the base ROM, I'm using Editroid  and Tile Layer Pro to hack the level layouts and tiny tidbits of graphics, and WindHex32 for some very small text hacking, this hack takes place on the fan-fictional, defunct and mysterious planet known as SR377.

I will soon update this thread (still finishing some business here: studies and family.)

But I'm open to your suggestions, comments and rants.

Mother Brain and his cronies is at it again!

Somehow they seemingly reside on the now defunct and mysterious planet only known in the galaxy as Planet SR377.

One day The Galactic Federal Police, made in contact with our bounty hunter once again, and gave the information about the space pirates' new hideout and another diabolical plan of Mother Brain for the domination of the whole galaxy.

Your mission is this, go to this strange planet, traverse it and hunt down the space pirates, and once again defeat the resurrected vile mechanical life vein of the galaxy.

You're the finest and might be the last hope, Samus Aran...

No screenshots yet, but soon.

Tile Layer Pro

« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 04:17:27 am by Kronus_Arm »
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2009, 10:28:10 pm »

Quote from: Kronus_Arm on September 28, 2009, 12:59:04 am
I'm open to your suggestions, comments and rants.

My criteria for a truly standout Metroid hack is thus:

  • Jumping/moving physics fine-tuned to feel more like those of Super Metroid.
  • Ability to jump while in ball form.
  • Ability to shoot downward (and perhaps upward at 45 degree angles).
  • Simultaneous Wave/Ice Beam.
  • Addition of a new offensive weapon, like Super Missiles or the Hyperbeam.
  • Remixed/new music.

Granted, these are all things I intend to include in my hack (circa 2015), but I wouldn't mind getting one-upped on a few of those. Conversely, if something on that list piques your interest, but is outside your realm of expertise (soundtrack hacking tends to require both a working knowledge of 6502 *and* music theory), I could offer my services as a collaborator. Some preliminary familiarization with the Metroid ROM would be a valuable asset come 2013-ish.
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 04:14:16 am »

Quote from: Dr. Floppy on October 01, 2009, 10:28:10 pm
Quote from: Kronus_Arm on September 28, 2009, 12:59:04 am
I'm open to your suggestions, comments and rants.

My criteria for a truly standout Metroid hack is thus:

  • Jumping/moving physics fine-tuned to feel more like those of Super Metroid.
  • Ability to jump while in ball form.
  • Ability to shoot downward (and perhaps upward at 45 degree angles).
  • Simultaneous Wave/Ice Beam.
  • Addition of a new offensive weapon, like Super Missiles or the Hyperbeam.
  • Remixed/new music.

Granted, these are all things I intend to include in my hack (circa 2015), but I wouldn't mind getting one-upped on a few of those. Conversely, if something on that list piques your interest, but is outside your realm of expertise (soundtrack hacking tends to require both a working knowledge of 6502 *and* music theory), I could offer my services as a collaborator. Some preliminary familiarization with the Metroid ROM would be a valuable asset come 2013-ish.

I will be willing to test out and hack the game's Physics for the fine-tuned movements like those to Super Metroid and also that jumping while in morph ball mode.

But the rest I can't do since this is my first ROM Hack and I'm still in ties with the basics, I would welcome anyone for their services, a 6502 ASM hacker would be needed if you want to see those options in the list you gave in this hack, but please bear with me, because I extremely am a newbie ROM hacker.

The reason why I'm hacking straight to the point, is because for me to learn and probably gain experience with.

« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 05:07:58 pm by Kronus_Arm »
Dr. Floppy
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 08:13:59 pm »

I would welcome anyone for their services, a 6502 ASM hacker would be needed if you want to see those options in the list you gave in this hack, but please bear with me, because I extremely am a newbie ROM hacker.

The reason why I'm hacking straight to the point, is because for me to learn and probably gain experience with.

Ah, your official green belt project! Congrats.  :cookie:

Aside from the level/layout and possible graphics updates, is there anything else you're planning on doing in this hack?
« Reply #4 on: October 03, 2009, 06:20:23 am »

I'm really interested at that one option you gave me, Samus able to jump while in Morph Ball mode, can you help me with that?


Dr. Floppy
« Reply #5 on: October 03, 2009, 03:50:46 pm »

Quote from: Kronus_Arm on October 03, 2009, 06:20:23 am
I'm really interested at that one option you gave me, Samus able to jump while in Morph Ball mode, can you help me with that?




I'd start by locating the RAM location of the "Samus Form" byte. This could take several forms, the simplest being a simple 00/01 dichotomy. (It could be more complex though, as in a byte which reflects multiple status types, i.e. standing, pointing upward, jumping, plummeting downward, etc.)

If you find a single RAM byte that reflects something resembling the former scenario (i.e. $00 if Samus is a ball, and $01 if she isn't), set a read-breakpoint at that location. There might be several reads-per-second of that byte, so you could wind up in "winter wonderland", i.e. a perpetual freeze where the debugger snaps so often that you can't manipulate Samus into the situation you actually want to test (which in this case would be hitting the A button while in ball form).

Ultimately, what we're looking for is a subroutine that checks to see if the A button is being pressed (indicating the player's intention to jump), THEN checks to see if Samus is in ball form. This will be the routine which tells the game to bring Samus out of ball form; we want to change this into a "jump as ball" command. You'll have to analyze the current Jump Handler to determine how the game handles regular jumping, then write a similar routine geared towards keeping Samus in ball form while performing these jumps.
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