I'm searching for an opportunity to use ordering tables in hacking/translation cases via debug.
Just simple example: almost every PSX game has VWF and you're gonna edit width table anyhow. Right now I know only one way: search relative or anyhow somewhere near font graphics for sequence of bytes. That's like a blind method - no good.
Is that possible right now to find width table with actual debugging? Font is displayed on the screen by means of Ordering Table - every letter is rectangle primitive, which is displayed from frame buffer and has it's own height and width - that's where we can catch the beast.
But one issue: I've never used debugger for OT tracing: only frame buffer writes, ram read/write, sound stuff. No OT tools are available right now (?)
Um, yup, I've seen pSX or something has some dma stuff, but it is as buggy as hell - I get it crashed every moment and it's no good, really.
So, any ideas, or maybe someone did such stuff before?