PS: Read all the answers in this thread once again - I think, you way out is already there.
UPDATE: Yeah, you were right - it's not a usual case - tried to look it through and it seems that the attributes really go through a long way...
LAST UPDATE: Ok, turned out quite simple after all. You've chosen a wrong place to seek from the start. I've done that debugging sequence and that's what I've found your table - non-compressed.
If you are not sure, that you've found the correct place for the table look for the IMAGE itself in PPU. Attribute table usually goes BELOW it. In your case, it was 27c0.
Set a write break point and voila - all that goes next is quite simple and plain:
$A382:A2 00 LDX #$00
$A384:BD 33 B9 LDA $B933,X
$A387:8D 07 20 STA $2007
$A384:BD 33 B9 LDA $B933,X
$A387:8D 07 20 STA $2007
Your table starts at b933 - play with that a bit to get the result you need. A little hint - the attribute you will probably have to change is 44 (after a bunch of zeroes). For this I've used the US version of the rom, but I think the PAL one should be the same.