If they've already found it, would someone be so kind as to reveal the address in the Final Fantasy III version 1.1 ROM (CRC32:722605E8) where the Speed setting for Cyan's SwordTech/Bushido ability is located? I can change the value there myself once I know where it is, but I have no idea what the default value would be (so searching for the location will be a major pain).
I recall seeing a video for Pandora's Box on YouTube where the rate of gauge accrual for SwordTech/Bushido had been ramped up significantly, and while I might not want the gauge to move -quite- that fast, being able to increase its Speed from the default setting would make the command a lot easier to use 'properly.' I am also making an assumption that, since the SwordTech/Bushido ability appears to behave like an Active Time Battle gauge, it must have its own Speed score; if this is an incorrect assumption (such as instead there's a formula used to determine how quickly the gauge fills up based on Cyan's other stats, or something else that would be more involved than simply directing me to an address in the ROM), please let me know. I ran a few searches for information prior to posting this and didn't get any hits, so I'm hoping the question hasn't already been repeated ad nauseum.