I hope to many people weren't to skeptical about this thread, because my rom hack isn't something TO major. :p
It's more or less a boss battle I put into FF6.
Yes, yes, "oh, another newbie posting his FF6 custom boss, woopie...".
Personally, I put a TON of time into making this boss, partially because I haven't had any experience in rom hacking before, let alone FF6 rom hacking. Then theres the fact that most of the script just fell apart after 30 mins of working with it but I finally got it to work.
I introduce my FF7 Sephiroth:
I also introduce my Pedobear, he's after your loli's:
I hope pedobear doesn't offend anyone, he's meant to be comical. :>
I hope I did Sephiroth justice because I've never once played through FF7.
Out of any enemy from any game, what boss would you guys like to see if I were to make a few more rom hacked bosses?