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Author Topic: First timer: is this font compressed?  (Read 2 times)
Vague Rant
« on: July 11, 2008, 04:24:37 am »

Hey guys. I've been fooling around with Tetsuwan Atom, some midding SFC game that nobody really cares about, and I browsed through it in Tile Layer Pro and found some font stuff, but the way it's done has me confused. See image:

It looks like each character's shadow is drawn in the tile previous to the character itself (or possibly the other way around); have I encountered compression, here? If so, perhaps I should try fooling with a simpler game; I don't have any real motivation for using this one beyond the fact that I've been playing Omega Factor lately.

Thanks for any responses.
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2008, 08:08:07 am »

A couple of things.

1) Try changing the bitplane depth. (1 on your keyboard)
2) Try hiting + and - several times to realign the data.
Vague Rant
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2008, 08:17:49 am »

Aha! That second one did the trick. Thanks very much for the help; sorry if it was a stupid question.

EDIT: OK, so I've been working on translating the options menu, but I know literally no Japanese, so it's taking some effort. I know someone else could do this stuff in five minutes, but I wanted to try and do as much as possible. Anyway, I've hit a dead end, so I was wondering if anyone would be willing to translate a couple of words. Here's the options screen:

Keep in mind that some (most?) of this is probably wrong, but here's what I've already done:

パ ン チ / キャ ッ チ
pa n chi / kya (tsu) cchi
Punch/Kick? Catch?

ジャ ン プ
ja n pu

ホ バ - リ ン グ
ho ba - ri n gu

ジュ ッ ト ? タ ッ ワ
ju (tsu) tto ? ta (tsu) wwa

? ? ラ ガ ? リ
? ? ra ga ? ri

サ ウ ン ド - テ ス ト
sa u n do - te su to
Sound Test

Also, I don't want anyone to get their hopes up, I don't actually have any idea how to replace text yet, though I shouldn't have any trouble editing the font now. If anyone is actually looking forward to this game getting a translation, then you're probably better off asking someone else to do it. This is pretty much for my own interest and as an attempt to learn how to do this stuff; chances are it won't ever be finished.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2008, 10:32:56 am by Vague Rant »
« Reply #3 on: July 11, 2008, 11:28:04 am »

パンチ/キャッチ - panchi/kyacchi - Punch/Catch
ジャンプ - janpu - Jump
ホバーリング - hobaaringu - Hovering
ジェットアタック - jettoatakku - Jet Attack
ちゅうがえり - chuugaeri - Somersault
サウンドテスト - saundotesuto - Sound Test
Vague Rant
« Reply #4 on: July 11, 2008, 11:33:16 pm »

Thank you, you are thoroughly awesome. I very much appreciate your help.

EDIT: It looks like I've taken it as far as it's willing to go for me. I can't find either the main game font or title screen font, so I'm guessing those actually are compressed. And since I completely suck at this game and can't beat the sixth level, I can't check how the credits look, but I suspect that they use the in-game font, since the Config font which I overwrote with English letters only included those characters which were necessary to the options screen, and nothing more. Here's a screenshot which encompasses everything I managed to change:

I had to be a bit creative with the translations due to the eight character limit (though "backflip" is a more accurate description of the manoevre Astro performs anyway), and "catch" ultimately had to be dropped entirely (no great loss, as it's only used in one stage; that damn stage six!), but for a first hack, I think it went decently, besides the fact that you guys ended up doing most of the work. :p I had fun, but I'll have to try messing with a simpler game next time.

While the likelihood of anyone being interested is precisely nil, the IPS patch is available here. Apply it to a headerless ROM.

Thanks for all your help, guys.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2008, 11:08:03 am by Vague Rant »
« Reply #5 on: July 12, 2008, 11:42:04 am »

Did you try looking for the font in a format other than what Tile Layer Pro refers to as SNES? It's quite common for fonts to be stored in the 1BPP format. You can select a specific format from the View -> Format menu in TLP or (as Gideon has mentioned) you can cycle through them with the 1 key. (And, I'll be damned, I didn't know you could cycle through them in TLP. Apparently, I never read the help file.)

Tile Layer Pro refers to 4BPP as SNES simply because it's the most common format for SNES games. However, it's quite possible for a SNES game to store it's graphics in 1BPP, 2BPP (which TLP refers to as NES) or another format. Also, you might want to consider checking out Tile Molester, which was coded by the same author as TLP, but supports even more formats.
Vague Rant
« Reply #6 on: July 12, 2008, 10:16:16 pm »

Yeah, I couldn't find anything more in 1bpp, 2bpp or 3bpp.
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