Dr. Floppy believes he might be of some assistance here. For I am also working on a
Legend of Zelda hack, and fully intend to give its soundtrack the
Super Catholic Bros. treatment.
Zelda 1 Music Pointers ($ with header)D70: First two measures of overworld "A" theme
D71: Ganon revealed!
D72: "You Got a Triforce Piece!" fanfare
D73: "You Got an Item!" fanfare
D74: [repeat]
D75: Level 9 theme
D76: Overworld "A" theme (segment)
D77: [repeat]
D78: Overworld "Z" theme (segment leading up to "A" theme)
D79: [repeat]
D7A: "A" Theme measures 3 thru 6
D7B: "A" Theme measures 7 thru 8
D7C: [repeat]
D7D: Overworld "B" theme
D7E: [repeat]
D7F: Underworld Music (part 1)
D80: Underworld Music (part 2)
D81: Endgame Fairy Song (part 1)
D82: Endgame Fairy Song (part 2)
D83: Endgame Fairy Song (part 3)
D84: Endgame Fairy Song (part 4)
D85: Endgame Fairy Song (part 5)
D86: [repeat]
D87: Endgame Fairy Song (part 6)
D88: Endgame Fairy Song (part 7)
D89: Title Screen (part 1)
D8A: Title Screen (part 2)
D8B: Title Screen (part 3)
D8C: Title Screen (part 4)
D8D: Title Screen (part 5)
D8E: [repeat]
D8F: Title Screen (part 6)
D90: Title Screen (part 7)
D91: Title Screen (part VIII)
D92: [repeat]
D93: "You Saved Zelda!" fanfare
("Repeat" refers to a duplicate pointer, not necessarily the one immediately proceeding it in sequence.)
The Music Headers begin at $D94; most are 8 bytes in length, although there are a few exceptions to this rule. In general, the header format is as such:
A = Duration offset (this controls tempo)
BC = Music Data Offset (in lo-hi format)
D = Triangle Channel (bassline) offset
E = Pulse 1 Channel (harmony) offset
F = Noise Channel (percussion) offset
G = Intensity (always $80 or $01)
H = Vibrato (ditto?)
Of the eight major songs in the game, only the Title Theme, Fairy/End Credits and Overworld theme contain percussion parts. This doesn't necessarily mean that those songs CAN'T have them, just that they were never used in the original game. I've been rather busy this past month, oftentimes needlessly so, and as such haven't had sufficient time to play around with the music data...