As you can see, there is a pinball sitting on top of my 'a'. I think it would look rather neat to have said pinball sitting on top of the 'i', instead, in place of the normal dot. Unfortunately, said pinball is not a normal background tile, it is a sprite that sits "in front of" the background tiles. (There were also flippers that were in front of the text, but I just made them transparent since I didn't see any way to make them look good with the English letters.) So... How do I go about moving said pinball?
(For the record, I'll be cleaning up the word 'Pinball' so it doesn't look so rough and I'll likely be redoing 'Family' altogether now that I've discovered that the entire title screen is available (ie, there is a separate entry for each blank space on the screen instead of all those blank lines above the words being rendered by some sort of actually efficient code.))