Well there should be a pokeroms.ini in the directory of elitemap and it should contain data like
Name = Pokémon Ruby (E)
Language = 0 'English
Cries = &H452580
MapHeaders = &H53324
Maps = &H5326C
MapLabels = &HFBFE0
MonsterNames = &H3DDBC
MonsterBaseStats= &H1FEC34
MonsterDexData = &H3B1858
TrainerClasses = &H1F0208
TrainerData = &H1F0525
TrainerPics = &H1EC53C
TrainerPals = &H1EC7D4
TrainerPicCount = 83
TrainerBackPics = &H1ECAE4
TrainerBackPals = &H1ECAFC
TrainerBackPicCount = 3
ItemNames = &H3C5564
MonsterPics = &H1E8354
MonsterPals = &H1EA5B4
MonsterShinyPals= &H1EB374
MonsterPicCount = 440
MonsterBackPics = &H1E97F4
WorldMap = hoennmap.bmp
HomeLevel = &H0009
SpriteBase = &H3718D4
SpriteColors = &H323BA8
SpriteNormalSet = &H3712BC
SpriteSmallSet = &H371244
SpriteLargeSet = &H371334
WildPokemon = &H39D454
FontGFX = &HEA2C44
FontWidths = &H1E6594
AttackNameList = &H1F832D
AttackTable = &H207BC8
StartPosBoy = &H15FC5F
StartPosGirl = &H15FC82
MusicList = rs_songs.txt