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Author Topic: Getting started with DS romhacking...  (Read 2 times)
« on: December 26, 2007, 03:03:22 am »

So I plan on testing out NO$GBA's new DS emulation functionality by trying my hand at actually fan translating a DS game myself.

I'm aware that DS ROMs are more like ISOs (or Famicom Disk System images, which I have experience with, however brief), in that rather than being one colossal agglutination of data, they're organized with a sort of file system: the data in the image is split into multiple files. So a major aspect of translating one of these things is cracking them apart and putting them back together.

The question is, which util is best for the task? I know of Tahaxan and DSLazy, but it seems there's a newcomer called DSBuff which claims itself to be DSLazy's rightful successor...problem is, it looks like I have to sign up for another forum to download it.

So, what's recommended?
« Reply #1 on: December 26, 2007, 05:12:48 am »

If DS Lazy works... why should there be any need for another tool?

(I haven't heard of the other tool, if there is good reason to use it I'm interested in hearing it myself)

Btw, any game in particular you have an eye on?
Solid One
« Reply #2 on: December 26, 2007, 08:16:24 am »

NDSTools is another one I use. It has a GUI and may be as good as DSLazy, or even better.

You can find it here: http://d.turboupload.com/d/2195513/NDStools.zip.html

PS: I don't know if it's already on RH Utilities Database, but uploading it here would be better than have it on those links.
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2007, 01:06:29 pm »

Quote from: KaioShin on December 26, 2007, 05:12:48 am
If DS Lazy works... why should there be any need for another tool?

(I haven't heard of the other tool, if there is good reason to use it I'm interested in hearing it myself)

Btw, any game in particular you have an eye on?

My sig should be a clue. Not the banner, but the text around it. ^_^

EDIT: Anywhere else besides Turbo Upload I can get NDSTools? Stupid site chock full of ads...I can't seem to get the damn thing to understand I want a file, not some video sharing service or some other crap.
« Reply #4 on: December 26, 2007, 01:14:30 pm »

Quote from: Ryusui on December 26, 2007, 01:06:29 pm
Quote from: KaioShin on December 26, 2007, 05:12:48 am
If DS Lazy works... why should there be any need for another tool?

(I haven't heard of the other tool, if there is good reason to use it I'm interested in hearing it myself)

Btw, any game in particular you have an eye on?

My sig should be a clue. Not the banner, but the text around it. ^_^

EDIT: Anywhere else besides Turbo Upload I can get NDSTools? Stupid site chock full of ads...I can't seem to get the damn thing to understand I want a file, not some video sharing service or some other crap.

Ew...romaji. :S
« Reply #5 on: December 26, 2007, 01:16:52 pm »

Is this better? ^_^

Solid One
« Reply #6 on: December 26, 2007, 02:03:03 pm »

damnit. that program's name isn't "NDSTools". It seems to be "Nintendo DS Top System". that's why I wasn't finding any result in searches.

I've found another links:
Link 1
Link 2

Its "File Browser" function may be useful.

My sig should be a clue. Not the banner, but the text around it. ^_^

WOW!!! Death Note!!!!!!111111111111111 \\o/
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 02:08:49 pm by Solid One »
« Reply #7 on: December 26, 2007, 04:43:27 pm »

Well, this project has gotten off to a rocky start. ^_^; The game's font file is easy to find, but it looks like it's compressed...hopefully it's something documented and not a hand-rolled Konami algorithm.

That, and when I try to run either Kira Game or L wo Tsugu Mono in NO$GBA, the game boots but gives me the message (in Japanese) "Data could not be read. Please turn off the power and reinsert the game card."

Resetting the system is no help. I can't help but feel like I'm missing something obvious...

EDIT: There's the problem. I forgot to select DS save media under options. ^_^;
« Reply #8 on: December 26, 2007, 05:31:06 pm »

Are you planning to keep posting about your progress/efforts in attempting a DS translation? I think it'd be most interesting.
« Reply #9 on: December 26, 2007, 05:41:34 pm »

As long as I'm making progress/the project holds my interest. ^_^;

An ALT-TAB crashed the game during the intro, so I haven't really started yet, but it's kinda funny: after giving the backstory, the game opens with L and Light trading accusations over who is Kira while everyone else takes sides. The vote is against Light: finally, he admits to being Kira.

...Turns out it's all a thought exercise L has conjured up to help them profile Kira: "The Kira Game". (And yes, that's what I'll use as my English translation's subtitle.) I had heard before that this was something of a Mafia-type game, but I wasn't sure until now how it fit into the story. XD

That said, still no luck with the graphics files, but I have made some important headway: all the text is stored in Shift-JIS format. There's an extra "02" between characters for no reason I can discern, but it should be simple enough to customize either a table or a script extractor to handle it.

EDIT: Oh. My God.

I just now tried fiddling with the game's script...found a string that appears in the game's tutorial and replaced the kana "Kira" with the letters "Kir" (yeah, I wanted to fit "Kira" in, but Jing's little buddy will have to suffice for now), padding the bytes with 02s as with the rest of the script.

This was the end result.

This...is the first time I've encountered a built-in proportional font in a game. Ever. *cries epic tears of joy*

Now, if I could only make some headway with the game's graphics, this project might actually be doable...
« Last Edit: December 26, 2007, 06:33:37 pm by Ryusui »
« Reply #10 on: December 26, 2007, 07:39:41 pm »

I was surprised to see the intro in English and Japanese. One less thing for you to translate. Wink

Is this game a text adventure?
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2007, 08:08:05 pm »

Sorta. I've seen enough of the script to tell that it follows the plot of the manga, but the actual gameplay segments are something of a take on Mafia. Check it out on Wikipedia.

Basically, "The Kira Game" involves a group of people - "Investigators" - among whom are two special players whose identities are secret. Those two are L and Kira. The game involves a back-and-forth between all the players - that is, the player and the AI-controlled characters - trying to figure out who Kira is while simultaneously trying to allay suspicions that they themselves might be L or Kira. At the end of each turn, a vote is cast, and if a majority wins, the chosen player is "arrested" and removed from the game. The object of the game is for either L or Kira to be removed: if Kira is arrested, then L and the Investigators win. If L is removed, then Kira wins. Kira also has the unique ability to pass "Judgement" on other players: he can unilaterally remove other players from the game (though remember that at this point in the manga, the method was unknown to all but Light: only near the end of the first half was the existence of the Death Note revealed to L and the investigators).

I'm still going through the tutorial, though, so there might be more that I haven't read yet. ^_^

Oh, as for the intro, that's part of Death Note. The rules for the Death Note are written in English: between chapters in the graphic novels and on the eyecatches in the anime, they're actually bilingual.
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2007, 09:59:55 pm »

That said, still no luck with the graphics files, but I have made some important headway: all the text is stored in Shift-JIS format. There's an extra "02" between characters for no reason I can discern, but it should be simple enough to customize either a table or a script extractor to handle it.
I've noticed in a couple DS games the text working like that, with a letter and then a blank byte.  I think Animal Crossing:  Wile World and Final Fantasy III DS were like this (and all the WiFi communication instructions and junk in most DS games).
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2007, 10:27:00 pm »

I've been forgetting to mention something important.

The graphics files are all in .nsbmd format, apart from the font, which is an .nftr; from what I understand, these are both documented formats, but all my Googling has failed to find me an app that can view them. Any help?
« Reply #14 on: December 26, 2007, 11:23:58 pm »

i would like to know myself, too Tongue

also, from what i've tested, it seems like you can just expand any file you want and repack it using dslazy, and it will be fine. admittedly, i've only tested this with arm9.bin (in case of strings in the executable itself), but it at least seems to work fine.
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