I guess really to be more traditional this topic should have been called something along the lines of "The Super Great Hyper Helpful Helpful Japanese Topic-o" but I decided against that.
I'm not completely new to Japanese but I'd deffinatly still class myself as a beginner however despite this fact I'm going on to give a game translation a bash. Like many others before me I thought this would be a good idea and a good way to learn some new things in ROMHacking as well as learning Japanese, you can't beat 2 for 1. Although I never considered the fact that this may mean I now have the difficulty of learning ROMHacking coupled with the difficulty of learning Japanese which is what has really happened.
But that's not why I made this topic!
I have came across a couple of things (ok 1 thing so far) that the average JORDAN (Japanese Orintated ROMHacker Distinguishably Also Newbie) may find useful and I thought it may come in handy if there was a topic kicking about to share such finds.
Here's the first thing I found when I got side tracked looking for a Kanji
http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-9g-49-en-70-198v.html - A Japanese -> English -> Japanese Dictionary for the Nintendo DS. When I first heard about the DS I thought it would be really handy for exactly this and now here it is. One of the most handy features is you can draw a kanji onto it and it'll translate it for you. I haven't actually bought it yet but I plan to in January so I'll make a better post about it then.
http://kanjidict.stc.cx/dict - A Kanji dictionary that allows searching by similar shape so you can slowly work your way to the kanji your looking for despite not being able to type or pronounce it
http://www.microsoft.com/windows/ie/ie6/downloads/recommended/ime/default.mspx IME the application that lets you type in foriegn fonts on english keyboards, very useful in lots of places.