lda $ef ;check for jumpspring object (any frame)
cmp #$18
bcc SprObjectOffscrChk ;branch if not jumpspring object at all
lda #$82
sta Sprite_Attributes+8,y ;set vertical flip and palette bits of
sta Sprite_Attributes+16,y ;second and third row left sprites
ora #%01000000
sta Sprite_Attributes+12,y ;set, in addition to those, horizontal flip
sta Sprite_Attributes+20,y ;for second and third row right sprites
lda $ef ;check for jumpspring object (any frame)
cmp #$18
bcc SprObjectOffscrChk ;branch if not jumpspring object at all
lda #$82
sta Sprite_Attributes+8,y ;set vertical flip and palette bits of
sta Sprite_Attributes+16,y ;second and third row left sprites
ora #%01000000
sta Sprite_Attributes+12,y ;set, in addition to those, horizontal flip
sta Sprite_Attributes+20,y ;for second and third row right sprites
disabling the flipping there doesn't stop the flipping elsewhere the tiles are already drawn at that point, sometimes forwards sometimes backwards.
[edit: i see why.. the object doesn't set an sprite direction so it just uses the value that was there. grrrr]
[edit2: and never mind i 'solved' it or at least kludged/hacked it to make it stop flipping..
cmp #JumpspringObject ;check for jumpspring object
bne CheckForPodoboo
ldy #$03 ;set enemy state -2 MSB here for jumpspring object
ldx JumpspringAnimCtrl ;get current frame number for jumpspring object
lda JumpspringFrameOffsets,x ;load data using frame number as offset
cmp #JumpspringObject ;check for jumpspring object
bne CheckForPodoboo
ldy #$03 ;set enemy state -2 MSB here for jumpspring object
ldx JumpspringAnimCtrl ;get current frame number for jumpspring object
lda JumpspringFrameOffsets,x ;load data using frame number as offset
changing ldy #$03 to sty $03 will make it stop flipping. Y is always 00 and $03 is a temporary variable for the sprite direction. since you're not loading #03 into Y the top left tile will no longer be flipped either but whatever that just makes it cleaner in the CHR-ROM. If you disable the rest of the flipping in the code I first quoted you can put the tiles in the CHR-ROM exactly how they appear in the game, not all flipped around and stuff.