Another request for non-specific information from me: could someone here (even multiple people would be fine!) give me a rundown on GBA utilities that would be useful in terms of both general and translation-specific hacking?
I'm not interesting in game-specific stuff (I'm not knowledgeable enough to learn from it at this point). I am interested in stuff that's not specifically for the GBA but has the capacity to be useful in working on GBA-related projects (such as tile editors that support GBA formats, etc).
I also want to note that I'm not just asking for opinions on what I can find here on RHDN - stuff that isn't directly related to hacking like the DSLazy tool mentioned in this topic definitely falls within my interests.
I realize this is a big request, and I have to admit that an investment of your time into my interests is not likely to pay off further down the line, but I appreciate any info or opinions you can give me. At the very least, I can store it away for a rainy day.
(thank you)