Okay, I don't think my main PC's HD actually crashed. But I think it got a virus, because I corrupted my friend's video card when I tried to back it up (the video-card corruption could've been caused by something on my IDE drive I plugged in soon after, but I'll say this: great work SimpleTech! That preinstalled trojan his virus scanner picked up on my new USB HD was appreciated. :banghead: )
I tried to connect the HD to an old PC I'm probably going to recycle. HD either unsupported or wouldn't recognize. I'll have to check with my friend later to see if the damage was localized to the video card.
I suppose I could sacrifice an old video card to get my translations stuff back when I get a new HD, so I can assemble the new PC hardware I bought.
Last backup of my translations directory to DVD was in September 2005.
If I can't recover my old stuff, here's the deal on the projects I haven't released since then...
3x3 Eyes - Advent of the Divine Demon : Lost the C source code to my translation tools. Otherwise, the important stuff is intact.
Deep Dungeon 2: safe.
Deep Dungeon 3: safe.
Galaxy Oddyssey: going to have to redo the compression stuff.
Hoshi wo Miruhito: going to have to redo the menu stuff. Easy but tedious.
Momotaro Densetsu: I think I lost the tools on the NES version. Mostly a decompressor, but I think it was a slight mod of my general dumping tool. Might consider doing the PCE version (MD Turbo) if there's some good debugging stuff available.
Magic Poipoi Poitto: I have some work from a few months earlier. I think I just lost some graphics hacks. Still have the compression tools and sources.
Monster Maker Kids: VWF needs to be redone.
Nadia: Lucky I still have the Jelly Boy 2 graphics stuff, which eerily uses identical compression, except for the endian of the decompressed size (little-endian 65816 vs. big-endian 68000). I believe it shouldn't be too hard to reproduce the script stuff. (well, I later realized JB2 has some erroneous bank boundary detection going on that I had to account for in the final patch, but I think the JB2 compressor I have is just the Nadia one with flipped endian).
Pikinya!: Safe. Someday I'll put my mind to it and get all the graphics translations done.
SD Gundam Gaiden SNES: Waiting for translation, I don't think it's really progressed much since then. So, I guess it's safely backed up.
Square Tom Sawyer: I think it's safe.
Unannounced NES RPG (yo, Sheex): I believe it's safe.
Unannounced NES platformer (odino): Going to have to reinsert. Lucky there's not a whole lot of text, and I have much more free time than before.