$87/82F2 BF 88 88 87 LDA $878888,x[$87:88BA] A:0032 X:0032 Y:89F3 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FDF P:envmxdizcHC:1218 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F6 FA PLX A:83B3 X:0032 Y:89F3 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FDF P:eNvmxdizcHC:1274 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F7 C8 INY A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F3 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:envmxdiZcHC:1318 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F8 48 PHA A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:eNvmxdizcHC:1340 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F9 60 RTS A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FDF P:eNvmxdizcHC:0010 VC:001 00 FL:65106
$87/83B4 B9 00 00 LDA $0000,y[$92:89F4] A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:eNvmxdizcHC:0060 VC:001 00 FL:65105
$87/82F6 FA PLX A:83B3 X:0032 Y:89F3 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FDF P:eNvmxdizcHC:1274 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F7 C8 INY A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F3 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:envmxdiZcHC:1318 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F8 48 PHA A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:eNvmxdizcHC:1340 VC:000 00 FL:65106
$87/82F9 60 RTS A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FDF P:eNvmxdizcHC:0010 VC:001 00 FL:65106
$87/83B4 B9 00 00 LDA $0000,y[$92:89F4] A:83B3 X:0000 Y:89F4 D:0000 DB:92 S:1FE1 P:eNvmxdizcHC:0060 VC:001 00 FL:65105
My understanding here is that the 16-bit value that's loaded from $8788BA ($83B3) is being pushed on the stack to be used as the return address. That I follow perfectly, but when the RTS at $8782F9 is hit, instead of returning to $8783B3 like I thought it would, it returns to $8783B4. What the hell? :huh:
I checked the stack and the data at $8788BA and in both places it's $83B3, not $83B4. Just to clarify, I have not modified ANYTHING in this ROM. The thing that's really baffling is that there is an RTS at $8783B3, but if that were being executed the stack pointer should reflect that, which, as you can see above, it doesn't. \
Anyone have any ideas? Or some esoteric knowledge to share that might be of use?