li t1, 0 ;load 0 into t1 (counter)
li t3, $FFFF ;load maximum amount (0xFFFF)
lb t0, System1(t1) ;load a byte from System1 + counter(location of my data)
sb t0, $A0170000(t1) ;store the byte into our new position + counter
addiu t1, 1 ;increment counter by 1
beq t1, t3, copydata ;brand if counter reaches max of 0xFFFF
li t3, $FFFF ;load maximum amount (0xFFFF)
lb t0, System1(t1) ;load a byte from System1 + counter(location of my data)
sb t0, $A0170000(t1) ;store the byte into our new position + counter
addiu t1, 1 ;increment counter by 1
beq t1, t3, copydata ;brand if counter reaches max of 0xFFFF
The code actually runs through but I don't see anything getting copied.
By the way...there is a good reference for MIPS and other stuff here