So for a few days i've been hacking at Brave Story for the PSP.
Seems like an ok game to start with for psp translation.
I have finally figured out the table and encoding and such.
I can not read or understand Japanese.
I hope this game is worth translating.
Here are some strings from a chunk of the game hex.
I would think they would be in the Main Menu.
The font in this game is stylised so I can hardly make out the characters.
EDIT: DANKE on IRC came up with these translations:
おためし鳥通信 = Otameshi Carrier Pidgeon Lodge
ブラウザ = Browser
ランカの町 = Ranka Town
ランカの森 = Ranka Forest
グランデラ川渡し場 = Darandara River Ferry Landing.
おためしの森 = Otameshi Forest
サーカワの郷 = Saakawa Village
芸術の町 リリス = Art Town Ririsu
海岸の洞窟 = Coastal Cave
トリアンカ廃病院 = Torianka Abandoned Hospital
国境の関所(ボグ~ササヤ) = Nation Border Barrier (Bogusasaya)
おためしのほら穴 = Otameshi Cave Enterance
盗賊のアジト = Thief's Hideout
ルルドの天文台 = Rurudo Observatory
砂漠の町 ワーハディーナ = Desert town Waahadiina
砂漠の遺跡 = Desert Ruins
Desert Ruins
I guess thats probably enough for now, tho I have alot more.
I only speak/read english like um most people in north america.
I sure like japanese games tho.
- MiLO83 / WiZARD83
I'll just keep this up as my project page for now I guess.
Anyone who reads japanese, I have alot to text you could help with.
Later guys,