Mm... I doubt existing players will work with completely extracted data. In fact I'm pretty sure they won't.
The video in the file may play fine (it uses only 2K) but audio data will be hosed (LOL) then the video will be hosed. Let me see MDECs are at 2X speed and I think 320x240 had an interleave of 6:1 so 6 sectors of video for each sector of audio. There are 150 sectors per second at 2x 15fps 10 sectors per frame of audio and video? Hmmm well anyhow. That puts things in perspective a bit. Regular CD audio is 75 sectors per sector (1x).
I am trying to think of a good way to extract the data, to be honest there is no.. "Good" way. Why are you messing with the movies et al? Are you planing on changing the video data or something? Might require some custom tools to do that. I use to have the matrix information for the encoding and the encoding method. Sony released a command line util a long while back that allowed you to compress motion JPEG data for the playstation as well. Not sure what data for input it liked to be honest.
Nah, I'm using the extract and recompile method. I tried editing the ISO by replacing files in CD Mage but that does work(Always says "Can't save to [].ISO"). So unless there's someway to extract STR files, or there's a better ISO editor out there, I'm screwed and won't be able to reinsert anything.