OK, so I want to start hacking roms. So the first thing I did was get the rom I want to hack, which happens to be "Dragon Ball Z - Super Saiya-jin Densetsu" for the SNES. I have patched it with an English translation I obtained from here ---> Dragon Ball Arena - SNES Roms.
So, I read a walkthrough on how to hack/translate text in a rom.
The walkthrough I used is here ---> Text Hacking / Translation Tutorial
I followed the instructions exactly, and when it mentions to go ahead myself and hack the rom I am using, I run into a few problems. I used "Relative Search" and nothing came up. I tried a lot of examples, and still nothing. I also read that some roms needed to be "dissassembled" and I do not know what that means, and what I am supposed to do. Also, I read somewhere that SNES roms can either be "LoROM" or "HiROM", but again, I have no idea what that means.
Is there a way someone can either explain to me what I need to do, or what I am doing wrong? Or maybe, just upload the table for this game, or suggest anything.