I need to monitor memory when it was writed at $0300:2528-0300:2538 by using "Visualboy advance Tracer ". After i read readme.txt , i didn't understand. Anybody used to use this program? pls help me.
This is a primitive tracing emulator based off of Visualboy Advance 1.7.1
Source gathered from various parts - credit given where possible.
hook_log.txt should be placed in the directory where the rom is located.
It's suggested to keep the exe and binary in the same folder.
hook_log.txt has more information.
'/' = toggles instruction logging to 'trace.log'
'.' = dumps RAM, SRAM, NT
',' = toggles memory logging to 'hook.txt' (set by 'hook_log.txt')
hook_pc1 1 -1 -1
hook_rd1 1 -1 -1
hook_wr1 1 9400 9410
; Any notes can follow here
; but do not modify above
; Mode 0 = write into 'trace.txt' log if instruction logging is active
; Mode 1 = write into 'hook.txt'
; <low address> <high address>
- rd/wr use $0000-ffff memory map range
- pc uses $00000-fffff ROM range
Gameboy Advance:
- rd/wr/pc use $0000:0000-ffff:ffff memory map range