For the past week or so I've been reading up on 6502 ASM and messing around with FCEUXDSP and a few roms, just trying to figure out what I could. My two main resources have been (6502 walkthrough IRC log) and as a reference guide.
I know about basic things like the opcodes, how branches/jumps work, somewhat understand the stack. I've made a few minor gameplay hacks in SMB, Zelda and Castlevania, but nothing complicated; I just wanted to see what I could figure out. The coolest thing I figured out on my own was in Zelda 2: making enemies get hurt instead of Link when you run into them.
Basically, I'm just looking for any tips or resources that I might not know about. Really, anything is appreciated. I know there are a lot of great ASM hackers here, and you guys are what inspired me to learn this. I'm determined to learn to ASM hack!