Hello I'm looking for a few people to help me disassemble TLOZALTTP. For those of you who dont know what it means to disassemble a game, it basically means taking the assembled code of a game, and putting it in its raw format, in this case 65816. Which means you'll need SNES ASM knowledge to help with this. So far I have a few RAM Addresses written done (note: these are subject to change), along with a decent start on this dissasembly itself: Link. Here are the ways you can help:
1. Finding out what ram address do, and posting them here.
2. Choose a bank and disassembling it.
3. Commenting on things that haven't been commented on.
I would also like the format to be this when disassembling:
CODE_XXXXXX: YY YY ... ZZ... {tab} {tab} {tab} ; Any comments you might have.
The X's are the snes address. The Y's are the opcodes in assembled format. ZZ's are the opcodes.
Also note that we are using the snes9x debugger to do this, since its the best on I could find, and its not that great so make sure you do a little at a time, and to check over things that to make sure they make sense. Well thats it, please help if you can, as a zelda hacking community might start from this!
Edit: Also note that its preferred if it were in xkas format, since thats what it will be converted to in the end, but feel free to use other assembler formats.
Edit2: WIP VRAM Map!!