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Author Topic: PS2 Specific Questions  (Read 1 times)
« on: November 21, 2011, 12:19:05 am »

I would like to start doing a translation on Kingdom Hearts Final Mix.

I've read about virtual files systems and whatnot. For example, when you open the disc in windows, you only see a few files adding up to 4 megs or so. Obviously not the entire game. When I open the file with a hex editor, I can see where the files are because there are a bunch of zeroes before and after. I'm guessing it's to pad the file to the end of the sector. However, I can't find the file pointer table. What does it normally look like? Is it normally a bunch of hex values that are the actual addresses I can go to in the iso file? I really have no idea what to look for or where I would find it.

My next question is how would I go about changing the font? I see the "TIM2" in quite a few spots when I look through the file, but when I run TextER, it only pulls 3 files. None of them are the font.

I have no problem hacking nes and snes games, so I should be able to handle this. I'm also a computer science graduate, so I plan to make some utilities to make this easier for everyone once I figure it out.

I've done searches and read all of the documents I can find on this site, and I still can't figure it out.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 05:29:04 am »

Well, you have to first find out if there is really a Virtual file system or the files just are hidden.
In the first case you have to crack the system to see where the files are actually there.
For the second, you maybe can find some traces of the files in the disc TOC.
Anyway by a look at the DVD one of the above really apply to KHFM.

A font can be in any file and not only in tim(2) files.

I am not very experienced on PS2 hacking but I made some research before answering here.

First of all, I checked the files of KHFM and KH2FM:

As you see, you are missing the big GB files in KHFM but those files are always in company of a nice IDX file as you see in the right part of the pic.
So my guess is that you are missing only one big file named KINGDOM.IMG.
The first thing you have to do is a way to find that file on disc and then extract it or at least make it visible.

To where the file is, well, by a look at the LBA, I would say it's sure to say that it start somewhere after LBA 2478 and the size can be calculated from the image size and the visible size.

The keys for your files are probably inside KINGDOM.IDX but I can't tell you how they work but the KHFM and KH2FM IDXs look like they have the same structure.

What is an help if it not depresses you a bit??
Well when you get that big file in your hands, it's looking like you have to extract/decompress or decrypt it and I can assure you that you will get alot of file out of it (KH2.IMG contains 5000+ files).

Why i know this, because there is an extractor that maybe you can try to misuse when got the KINGDOM.IMG file in your hands. If you can't misuse it, you can at least try to contact the maker so that you can create your own:

In general, PS2 executables are ELF and you got those PRX so if you are not lucky and you not find everything you need in the IDX/IMG file, you probably need extractors/decrypter or decompressors from the net.

Last but not least you will need a program to reinsert the hidden IMG file into the iso (depending on how you extracted it) so maybe Apache (if you modified the TOC to make the file visible) or probably need to program your own tool to reinsert it.
« Reply #2 on: November 21, 2011, 03:00:43 pm »

Wow, that was very helpful. I didn't realize that KH2 had the same structure as KH1, but with the files visible. I should be able to figure out how to extract the file by comparing the two. I can just write my own program that does that if I need to.

I'll probably be making another post once I figure out how to extract the files from KINGDOM.IMG. My main problem will be figuring out how to change the font.

Thank you so much!
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