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Author Topic: Im thinking of making my own videogame.  (Read 1 times)
« on: January 09, 2011, 08:01:38 pm »

Well i noticed almost everyone on this site did something useful on this Making Games, Working on PROJECTS, So i wanted to make a game of my own, though i am a real beginner i still wanna do this for some reason, If anyone wants to help they can, you can check my Profile on DeviantArt to See the Sprites i am gonna use on it


Everytime i log in i Upload Something, Also there is also gonna be Sprites from different games, So if anyone knows any VERY cool Sprites let me know and i will edit them, and maybe i could make a character Based on you.

EDIT: Also, I give Credit to TheMage for the big advice, without that i would suck at making custom Sprites.

Also 2 questions guys, should i make evil Lucca and Marle's eyes First Bright Red then turns Dark Red? Next question:Should it be Crimson Echoes 2 or no? Because its up to you guys, the only sprite i would like from crimson echoes is King Zeal and the frozen flame, which i am gonna try to edit the frozen flame to be black

EDIT: WOAH!!! its December gosh i am pretty blind not noticing that.

EDIT2: Good news everyone, Magus will be in the game but he has to be Magil, The One that wasn't evil like last time before history changes.

EDIT3: Crono's Evil Clone BattleCharset is done its just hes Charset left,

EDIT4: I got good news and bad news, because of school this might take longer and The Crono Evil Clone will take a few months to complete because its halve completer at my grandma's Good news is this game might be 3D!!!

Edit5: I have some new alot of it is a little bad, i am working on a zelda hack (A link to the past) the bad news: i need a few beta testers because when its winter break i will be working on this like hell, both of the games. Also, Guess who is gonna be playable? DALTON AND MAGIL!!!!

Edit 6: Right now i have to wait until i can go home to get it complete and i am getting super nintendo
Read this if you wanna know what characters are almost done or halve done or not even started.
Crono evil Clone, Portrait done, sprite not done, battle not done,
Marle Completely Done
Lucca Completely Done
Magil Design is Done, i just gonna do all the designs on everything else.[
Dalton Not Even Started
Glenn Portrait Done, Sprite Not Done nor Battle.
Robo Everything should be done for him

If i am lucky enough to get Schala Playable A few more people might be added for example melchoir

Edit7: I am gonna say this very quick, if you wanted 3D that cannot happen in a short time, but the RPGmaker Can of course So if you want me to have a 3D one which will take YEARS Just Message me, i do not want to much posts in here because i pretty much read the topic almost all day

This is my Topic from Chrono Compendium,

Plot: After 7 years Of the Defeat of Lavos, and the Dream Devourer Crono, Lucca and Marle are told about a mad Scientist they 3 find out he is planning a invasion with alot of mutants, they hold him off but it was too late they run to porre and warn porre and warn guardia, porre starts defending and 325 Mutants are coming to guardia. Crono Lucca and Marle are told to defend the fair and they end up seeing A Unknown guy And he traps Lucca and Marle Crono  Trys to Save them but he gets Stoned, Then that Unknown guy Teleports to The End of time and He Stones Spekkio and Gasper Caught Him, Only time remains before The Team finally gets to go to the end of time again
« Last Edit: January 10, 2011, 04:50:53 pm by Hayden »
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2011, 11:33:41 pm »

Crimson Echoes 2: No
Evil Lucca/Marle: I'd say go with a whole palette swap to be honest.  The eye colors are so hard to notice it wouldn't even make a difference.

Deviant Art Link: The Glenn human sprite was done by Cheyne, Chrono_99 and I.  Appropriate credit would be nice even though this was released almost a year or two ago when Crimson Echoes got halved.

Plot/Setting/Theme: Huh  What are these going to be?  There has to be an actual coherent plot besides "EVIL CLONES!" otherwise it sounds pretty childish and weak compared to the original game.
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2011, 11:51:41 am »

Quote from: justin3009 on January 09, 2011, 11:33:41 pm
Crimson Echoes 2: No
Evil Lucca/Marle: I'd say go with a whole palette swap to be honest.  The eye colors are so hard to notice it wouldn't even make a difference.

Deviant Art Link: The Glenn human sprite was done by Cheyne, Chrono_99 and I.  Appropriate credit would be nice even though this was released almost a year or two ago when Crimson Echoes got halved.

Plot/Setting/Theme: Huh  What are these going to be?  There has to be an actual coherent plot besides "EVIL CLONES!" otherwise it sounds pretty childish and weak compared to the original game.

Yes i do Know that you guys own it, i just made the 95% to 100%, if you want credit in the game i would be glad to give you credit.
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2011, 12:15:00 pm »

chrono cross fangame is always nice  Cool

about rpg maker you can count with me, Im very working rpg maker dude,
also work with 3d a little, music, design, etc
talk me about the history and maybe i can help in something...

« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2011, 03:30:52 am »

At the risk of being modded again, I'll just say that I don't personally care for the 'story' you cooked up there.  Seems pretty barebones.  I mean this is Chrono Trigger, not *insert name of shitty game without story here*, so if you're gonna make a fangame, do it right or don't bother.  There's tons of half-assed ideas out there and I'm sure that flooding the CT area with hacks may somehow instill new interest in it, or might just turn people off from it altogether.

One of the best benefits of community-generated content is new and exciting stuff and a near-limitless supply of it.
However, the drawback to that is there are only a few shining gems in the pile of turd that is 'community generated content'.
Generally the easier the tools to use, the more crappy content for a game that's made (though Temporal Flux is AWESOME and no offense to the creator of it, we love you!).

If you're still working on this, I'd just give it a break and focus on school instead.  Keep messing around and doing private hacks if you want but otherwise participating in a group that makes *good* romhacks is a better way to learn, as in learning from the masters whenever you can.
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