First of all i didn't tried and I'm not an expert on this matter but i was googleling around and found this things:
Maybe another format of video but who know, try it put: converter/player to try out "MAX DS Video Converter" technical information about Video formats of the ds demo send by the wii and MobiClip (i didn't read all): maybe the solution to your problem, if that codec work for de- enconding, u can probably use it with VirtualDub to convert it to avi, with Subtitle Workshop (or by hand) create your .srt file (the subtitles) and reencode+hard subtitle with VirtualDub again. i said, nothing tested, it's 5am and i will go sleep :p maybe on the late evening i will give it a try.
November 12, 2010, 10:30:11 pm - (Auto Merged - Double Posts are not allowed before 7 days.)
Hi People,
it was a boring evening at work so i had time to play around with Tales Of Innoncence (or to be more precise op.mods)
and some of the tools found on the net for symbian.
I try to point some facts and maybe give inspiration to somebody to create a tool that really works.
My first tries go to the coded found in that page in my other post and virtual dub...created a file from a little clip i had on the pc and sostitued the op.mods but no good luck: ToI just skip that clip (at least the game didn't crashed).
My next try was a converter with simulator for Nokia 6600 where i found out that the conversion to .mo need 2 pass:
-first with the codec and virtualdub
-second a right click on the outputted file from virtualdub and "convert to .mo"
when inserting this file to ToI, it just skipped it again.
Next is to check the files with a hex editor, they have some similarity but complete different header so i tried to switch the headers (op.mods header to the .mo file i created) and now ToI freeze (with top black screen) at the moment where it should start the video but at least it shows the pic on the bottom screen.
I checked again the header of op.mods and found the values x0001 and xC000 (256 and 192 dec) that should be the dimentions of the video/screen NDS. Just by changing one of this 2 values, ToI freeze with black top screen again.
Taking a look at the manual of the symbian version i found out that there are limitation that probably have been changed for the NDS version:
-6 to 10 fps can be used to produce very small files
-12 fps is sufficient for animation movies
-15 fps is generally a good balance
-24 fps should be used only for fast moving videos or when the best quality is required
Somebody in another forum suggested that it should play at 30fps for one screen movies and 15fps if both screens.
For the final compression step:
1- Use the Mobiclip Video Codec. Only AVI files compressed with this codec can then be converted into MO files
2- Resize the video to fit the screen of your target phones. When resizing, remember that:
-Final image width must be multiple of 8 and at most 240
-Final image height must be multiple of 8
-Try to keep the original aspect ratio of the video
3- The audio track is mandatory and must be in uncompressed, 16000 Hz, 16bits, mono
1) Is this still so in the new NDS version?? what happen in this step?? is maybe a native compression applied to the file for the NDS version??
2) this limit is probably not valid anymore because of the screens of the NDS but i belive that the multiple of 8 is still valid
3) this limit is probably not valid anymore because of the audio capability of the NDS
There seem to be like a pointer table at the end of the op.mods file...the first (from the end) is pointing almost at the end of the file, the next 2 are pointing in 2 different points of the file and are alternated.
Just above this part are small "sectors" (just like when u are looking at an image file and see the xFFFFFF of the sector limit.
Now for the conclusion...i know it's a long stretch to try to modify the symbian player /converter /codec (like look at a child and ask somebody to draw how he will look 20 years later) but maybe somebody is capable of this but what wonders me is that because Mobiclip is not integrated on the bios (it's not native of the NDS) , each game should have like a codec somewhere (in the arm files??).
Is it not possible to track that part on a game and create a windows pendant??