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Author Topic: When to start coding tools?  (Read 1 times)
« on: October 24, 2010, 08:01:47 pm »

Reverse engineering a file format has a major down-side to it. You can never be 100% sure that you've made all the right gueses. Sometimes there are entire sections of the file that are still unknown. Is it right to jump ahead and start coding a level editor when you still don't know how to manipulate some of the data structures?

If you don't start coding then you're stuck waiting for things to happen that might never happen. So what's the best approach, do you put the idea of writing a level editor on the back burner until you have figured out the remainder of the file format, that could take years, Or do you go ahead and start into the level editor hoping that tinkering around with the editor will unlock the secrets of the unknown data.

Now sometimes it actually is way too soon. I have almost completely reversed a 3D model format but the animation files that these models use is a brick wall that I just can't break through. It'd just be a waste of time coding a model ripper without the animations to go with them.

But with levels there is so much more going on. Do you really need to know how switches effect doors, and how to control the path followed by floating stones, etc., Before you start coding a level editor? Most of the time you can get by just fine without those features.

So I guese my question boils down to this:

Sooner rather than later? Or slow down there young padawan?
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 09:15:50 pm »

Depends on the person. Let people do as they will.

But if you're asking what is the optimally altruistic option, I would have to say finish deciphering the structure first. Granted it might take a month or two, and a lot of time. But it's worth it in the end. You might, for example, find hidden content that your users can make use of.
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 10:28:45 pm »

I usually start coding my tools when I think I got most of the stuff figured out or when I begin losing motivation to continue reversing the format; if it's taking too long for instance. Undecided\

I rarely predict every possible scenario in a compression algorithm or custom format, so having the chance to start extracting/inserting stuff early on helps me a lot to understand the whole picture.

So I definitely prefer sooner than later but to me it's also a matter of keeping things fresh; if you have been reversing the format for a long time it might do you good to take a break by coding what you already know.
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2010, 08:03:43 am »

Quote from: golden on October 24, 2010, 10:28:45 pm
I rarely predict every possible scenario in a compression algorithm or custom format, so having the chance to start extracting/inserting stuff early on helps me a lot to understand the whole picture.

This is an example of a point I would like to make. Developing your tool with what you know so far can assist you in more easily deciphering the rest of what you don't know. It could assist in ways you may not be able to get otherwise by manual analysis. It will also allow you to fully verify what you THINK you knew already. It's not uncommon to think you fully understand a format and then you run your tool on the rest of the game/cases and find some special cases or things you missed. So a tool at some point along the way can be very useful as both verification and aid for further analysis/discovery.

« Reply #4 on: October 25, 2010, 08:42:47 am »

Even if you end up starting over at some point after realizing your first approach just doesn't work for certain features you discovered later on, you can make it much better this time around with the experience and first-hand knowledge you already got. Even with all information available beforehand I'm sure one can still easily fall into a design trap that requires a complete rewrite. Things like that just happen.
« Reply #5 on: October 25, 2010, 04:45:42 pm »

I understand this feeling very well. I have some tools I started working on a few years ago, and in the meanwhile, instead of coding, I just hack data tables and ASM bytes. After a while, not only I realize I know the game much better, but I see that my code now needs to be redone. Data that was previous hard-coded can now be taken from the ROM in a coherent manner. Apart from that, most of the time I try to go by types of edition, like Maps, Text, Stats, AI, etc. I try to code one to the best of my knowledge, then I try to master another part of the game. I tend to prefer maps over anything else...
« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2010, 10:49:04 pm »

Yes, it's fine. You can do what I do, which is start making crappy tools and learning as you go along. Eventually your programming skills will be good enough to create an efficient and optimistic level editor, which is what too many people seem to can't do (Like making poor GUI decisions and doing things with poor speed. Just so you know, x.SetPixel is a bad way to go). Then, finding data is the next part. When I started working on my Zelda Oracle(s) (of Ages) level editor, I barely knew anything. I didn't know how the maps or graphics compression worked, and over a few days and tons of debugging I actually got somewhere. Then after more debugging, I found things like warps and such and created more as I went along.

Basically, don't ever go building a level editor off of someone else's data finding unless you can actually build something very good and worth using and your data finding skills suck. You'll find it creates a lot more confusing and less flexibility in the future.
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