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Author Topic: Romhacking History (aka Scattered Junk Drawer)  (Read 1 times)
« on: October 22, 2010, 10:41:34 am »

In another thread on this board I mentioned that I had old stuff for I am a digital packrat. Here are some of the contents of one of my backup CDs for your amusement.

Some of you may have seen my monster chart where I spent an obscene amount of time typing out monster stats and names for no apparent reason at all. Well, the fore bearer of that text chart was a graphical chart that I ripped from some japanese fan site that I've long since forgotten. AWJ and I were using that to verify that the monster name translations matched the monster art and to compare the monster art to the Nintendo/Enix Dragon Warrior releases. We spent what must have been a month pouring over the old fold out charts (and even the first Dragon Warrior Monsters guidebook if I recall) trying to stay as true to the Japanese as possible while defaulting to the localized nes/gb names when ever that made sense. There were arguments about if color palettes implied the same monster and comparisons of stats with previous games to make sure we were looking at the same monster and the same part of the family and it was a really really stupid waste of time in retrospect since I doubt anyone really gave a rats ass when they were playing what the monsters were called. Similar efforts on a somewhat less grandiose scale were undertaken for items, place names, and character names. Yes. I was an unabashed fanboy.

http://pt.parodius.com/junk/9365.htm and http://pt.parodius.com/junk/9367.htm
I do not know why I saved this. I must have thought it was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen in 1999.

This folder has a bunch of stuff from my DQ Memorabilia cache, not all of it actually DQ related. I suck at filing. The first four are items from the DQ6 enix.co.jp website. DQInteractive is a GB battle test game that was in the works by Sir Dragoon from #DragonQuest on efnet which was going to be based on some IRC scripts he had set up (you got invited to a chat session by a bot and it kept track of your exp and weapons and what not kinda like LORD but DQ. It was sweet. Ad1 was some stupid animated gif I made before the launch of 1.0 of the Dejap/PT DQ5e translation. The orderedchaos and siyavesh text files are interviews I did (really bad ones) for the Dragon Quest News Network which I ran for a few years before handing it off to a guy named Pendy who ran it for a few more years before he presumably realized it was lame and killed it like I should have done. Romhack WASSUP stands for itself. Splice11.zip is a DQ GB clone written by (i believe) BiGWieRD of xlate/xchar fame. There are three Tales of Phantasia images where DarkForce asked me what font looked better and I probably picked the wrong one. I have no taste when it comes to fonts. VSMC is the first snes emulator that could actually play a commercial game if I recall. There are various versions in here. If you don't know what this is, ask someone who wants to type up a long story of the scene drama. Whirpool.rar is what Spinner 8 sent me that I sent Koitsu for Koitsu to examine when he was deciding if he'd host the site. He, of course, said yes.

The "Is emulation legal" document written by the scribe. Originally posted on Zophar's Domain. Maybe still there somewhere. Who knows.

Stuff LordTech sent me. Some Street Fighter Alpha 1 disassembly and data from when everyone was trying to figure out the SDD1. Also, some font images from a project he was working on for a universal font archive. I think the idea was he was going to write a program that worked off these grids and output the font into a binary format of your choosing, i.e. it would take that and turn it into a VWF or 8x16 tile or whatever. Pretty sweet idea that as far as I'm aware he never pursued.

Stuff Satsu sent me! OMG. Need further proof? Look no further. Also of note, satsu's desktop from 2/5/2001 and what I can only assume was the image from his desktop on 11/10/2000

I have a bunch of shit from Spinner, but the only thing I can share without pissing him off is this log.

I have two folders of energy breaker stuff from disnesquick. I don't remember why he sent them to me or what I was supposed to do (script formatting maybe?) but since he's still working on that project I probably shouldn't release any of it. Maybe in 10 more years. Cheesy

I have a folder from stuff nightcrawler sent me on ICQ. some stuff from septerra core which I guess he was playing in June of 2000 and some code for a circuit analyzer he was working on. None of it is romhacking related so I won't waste your time. I think this is from before he rejoined the scene.

I have some random screenshots (nothing too interesting) from Gideon Zhi and a text file which just says:
¤³¤ì¤Ï ¤Ü¤¯¤Ë¤È¤Ã¤Æ ¤ª¤â¤¤¤Ç¤Î¤¢¤ë
¥Ñ¥¤¥×¤Ê¤ó¤À  ¤Û¤ó¤È¤¦¤Ë ¤¢¤ê¤¬¤È¤¦

I have a metric shit ton of dragon quest 5 stuff. scripts. betas, code, a script formatter I wrote. I was just talking about this with Gideon the other day. Why the heck hasn't anyone written a generic script reformatter. Give it a script and a file with lengths for codes and characters and the width of your text boxes and have it spit out a perfectly formatted script. Maybe some day.

Source code for an unreleased and unfinished version of xchar from BiGWieRD. I doubt he cares if i release this since it's been dead since 1998.

I also have backups of most of the iterations of Partial Translations, Dragon Quest News Network, my DQ Treasure Room (random old and useless patch versions, table files, and assorted useless trinkets), two versions of romhacking.com. The only thing I thought was anything worth posting were these two versions of a #romhack channel webpage for the old crew. Started on efnet, moved to dalnet, channel split. some moved to #romhaven, some moved back to efnet for a few days, eventually it mostly rejoined, then it moved to koitsu's irc server where it still is today in much truncated form.

i have other cds with other shit on them. I know i have a cd with my rpgd backups and maybe my sgc stuff, but where that is I know not right now.

EDIT - I forgot probably the greatest thing of all on the CD. Geechyguy's long lost manuscript "Final Fantasy VII, the way it REALLY Happened". I don't know if he ever completed disk 1 part 2. I don't think he did. A shame really.

Edit 2 - Thanks Spinner, you're probably right. BiGWieRD fixed. Smiley
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 07:13:32 pm by Neil »
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2010, 11:27:53 am »

Quote from: Neil on October 22, 2010, 10:41:34 am
[A] text file which just says:
¤³¤ì¤Ï ¤Ü¤¯¤Ë¤È¤Ã¤Æ ¤ª¤â¤¤¤Ç¤Î¤¢¤ë
¥Ñ¥¤¥×¤Ê¤ó¤À  ¤Û¤ó¤È¤¦¤Ë ¤¢¤ê¤¬¤È¤¦

これは ぼくにとって おもいでのある
パイプなんだ  ほんとうに ありがとう

Use Unicode for future projects >:)


Gideon Zhi
« Reply #2 on: October 22, 2010, 12:00:02 pm »

This is really, really cool. I've gone through a bunch of it, but have nowhere near enough time to dig through the rest of it right now. Thanks for this!
Next gen Cowboy
« Reply #3 on: October 22, 2010, 12:43:22 pm »

The single best translation I've ever seen, and someone needs to find Dickass right this moment, people have been looking for him/her for years!
Spinner 8
« Reply #4 on: October 22, 2010, 02:58:47 pm »

Man, I haven't seen #romhack Wassup in about ten years. :) What a trip.

Quote from: Neil on October 22, 2010, 10:41:34 am
Whirpool.rar is what Spinner 8 sent me that I sent Koitsu for Koitsu to examine when he was deciding if he'd host the site. He, of course, said yes.

Thanks very much for this! I wish there were some old outdated patches in here, though, now that I've started accumulating them. I don't think koitsu even looked at the site, he just said yes due to the fact that I hated uzplayer, who threatened to sue koitsu just a few days before. :)

I have a bunch of shit from Spinner, but the only thing I can share without pissing him off is this log.

My girlfriend somehow managed to find that Kailin chat log. NEVER. MORE. EMBARRASSED.

Source code for an unreleased and unfinished version of xchar from WeirdMan. I doubt he cares if i release this since it's been dead since 1998.

You must be thinking of BiGWieRD. WeirdMan is just Dustin.

I forgot probably the greatest thing of all on the CD. Geechyguy's long lost manuscript "Final Fantasy VII, the way it REALLY Happened". I don't know if he ever completed disk 1 part 2. I don't think he did. A shame really.

I'm pretty sure he did three parts of the story. I remember Chesty and Lesty, at the very least, and the fact that they talked.

I'm glad that story is still funny, too. :)
Jedi QuestMaster
« Reply #5 on: October 22, 2010, 02:59:57 pm »

This made me crack up: :laugh:


And I was in the library. Embarrassed
Gideon Zhi
« Reply #6 on: October 22, 2010, 04:25:12 pm »

« Reply #7 on: October 22, 2010, 07:28:02 pm »

Two more things that you might find interesting.

Evidently I have a backup of the message board from Romhacking.org on around 9/10/2001 with what appears to be all the posts. Smiley

This will probably only be of interest to Spinner 8, but it's the old RPGd FAQ page!
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