[This is not in the Help Wanted section because no work has been completed yet.]
I'm trying to find anyone who would be interested in doing the hack legwork for me in translating Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber into French and Spanish. We will be translating it from English rather than from Japanese. This is the best we can do, and hopefully it won't compromise the intent of the original writers too noticeably.
What I have:
Eager, fluent translators.
What I need:
Anyone who can dump all the English text for me and then apply the changes once the translating is through.
What I wouldn't mind:
Anyone interested in translating it into a fifth language.
This may be a pretty trivial project, but I'm still excited about it. If anyone is interested in participating, seeing the end product or at least knowing one more translation of something exists, please voice your enthusiasm here and soon we'll get started.