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Author Topic: Patch to expanded NES rom?  (Read 1 times)
« on: October 12, 2010, 04:05:24 pm »

I expanded a NES rom to allow an extra feature (requiring around x9000 bytes of mostly data).  Others are looking to put that feature on their own roms but I don't know of a patching system that would work here.  At the moment, I'm just telling them what to change by hand.

What is required is to be able to make a normal IPS patch but have it change the data from x3C010-x6000F (fixed bank and tile data on their rom) at x7C010-xA000F on the new expanded rom and leave the new expanded area untouched.  Is there any patching system that can handle this?

« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2010, 04:59:13 pm »

I'm not positive I understand, but is it that the data in 3C010-6000F might be different in different ROMs and you would like this to be preserved?

I know IPS can only specify data to be overwritten, not moved. I'm guessing other patching formats would be the same in this regard. Patches aren't meant to be "smart" or scriptable. If it were me I would slap together a little command-line utility to expand the ROM and copy the last bank to the end of the file. Then you can distribute an IPS intended for an expanded ROM.
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2010, 05:52:41 pm »

You can use xdelta to make a patch.

I've made a thread stating some of the benefits in the site talk section (I'm hoping to see more patches in that format here, and see ips go the way of the dodo...)

Offer xdelta patches as alternate or official patch format of RHDN

There is a gui util for creating and applying the patch so you can try it out:

I've just been using it from command line personally, but I could whip up a quick front-end for *nix with something like zenity...
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