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Author Topic: Suggestions for a 1st timer...  (Read 1 times)
« on: April 21, 2010, 02:57:04 pm »

Hey guys I'm new to this stuff but I have a question. I've never done a translation and I was wondering if someone could suggest to me a good program or most efficient program(s) to use for Graphics extraction/text extraction, or whatever else I may need to do a translation,  for iso/Cso for PSP games, or more specifically to start out, I want to do the PSX port of Suikoden 1&2 "Genso Suikoden" for PSP. I'm not going to post it up here since the site doesn't support PSP games, I just want to try translating for the first time, so this is for personal use and the one game I'm interested in starting with. I have the resources to learn japanese as well, I expect this to take a large amount of time. Also, being that these games are PSX games, would the tools used for PSX hacking/translating suffice for this project? Again, I know you guys don't support PSP games, I figured this would be the place to go for helpful info from other hackers/translators. If and when I do actually finish this, I would gladly upload it in the future when romhacking.net supports PSP games. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help out.
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 03:02:14 pm »

If you know nothing about programming and compression, Suikoden I and II is a bad place to start. I've already looked into hacking this game, and they use a file-compression scheme to compress the files with the stuff you'd need to edit.

If this is your first romhacking project, I suggest doing something a little more low tech. The systems with the most documentation (which would make them easier for you to learn) are the NES and SNES. Shortly after that, GBA. If you really want to do something more modern, PSX emulation and debugging is getting better, but it's still fairly limited.

« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 03:11:46 pm »

I suppose it would be logical to start at the bottom. I'll also take a look into programming and compression as well. Now I just have to find a game I would like to do that hasn't been done, or one that maybe people would like. I'll take a look around for some good Jrpg's on the nes or snes, or maybe just try a re-translation of a game that's already in English. Thanks for the suggestion.
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2010, 12:53:14 pm »

HyperBog, have you gotten in touch with the people behind the Suikogaiden Translation Project? I wonder if they'd tackle Suikoden I & II after that -- and I'd say working with more experienced people in a team environment is the best way to grow fast. It'll probably be awhile until they're done with Suikogaiden though.

Although it's not the PSP version, you're free to check out some old "brute-force comparison" attempts to examine the PSX version of Suikoden II's graphics decompression routine. Notice how ffgriever jumped in and radically saved the day by sharing actual source code for the game's decompression routine? To be a truly effective modder, you'll eventually have to learn a programming language and be able to develop your own tools to implement compression and decompression routines when they're complex. Although, if your comparative advantage is in learning Japanese, you might be able to team up with technical wizards provided your interests are compatible.

Too bad they compressed the script in PSP Suikoden II, then. I see now that Konami put both games on one UMD (according to the game's wiki article at least) so I guess that would explain it.

EDIT: Text is actually easily accessible, though we still need to confirm 100% that the Unicode in the uncompressed files isn't just some kind of dummy text. Someone will have to test with a live PSP since there aren't any working emulators AFAIK. Check out the progress in this thread. Some text injection tools might help, but even doing this project "by hand" with a hex editor and WinRAR might be possible.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2010, 01:16:31 pm by FaustWolf »
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2010, 04:12:49 am »

I see that there has been some intense work going on for this game or suikoden 1 & 2 in general. I wish I had the tech know how to help in some way. I suppose for now if need be I can use my PSP for whatever it is you need to test out and supply whatever info you may be looking for. And yeah both games are on one disk, with a nifty new title screen, an extras menu, and it's been remastered for the PSP's widescreen. I imagine all of that makes looking for specific data in the disk image a bit harder to find when comparing it to their PSX counterparts.

I wish I could focus on learning all the things that I need to learn at once, I think I'll stick to Japanese for now so that I can eventually read and write it. Once I accomplish that little obstacle I can do translations which is what I ultimately want to do. I am very interested in the programming aspect as well, it is like a foreign language when looking at it but in time it can all be understood. If this project is still around by the time I'm done acquiring all this knowledge, I'd be more than happy to contribute in any way I could.
« Reply #5 on: April 27, 2010, 01:07:30 pm »

I think everything that's absolutely needed for the project on the technical side is available now (and easy to pick up for a beginner), but it might be best to wait until PSP emulation becomes more accurate, so that needed testing won't become such a hassle. I'd definitely be up for pitching in with this, but I'll have to wait until I've got a couple projects off my plate.
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