Hi everyone
I've encountered severals games that uses 2 bytes pointer. This means the pointers can only point to the range from $00 to $FFFF. It's OK with almost Japanese games, but if you translate the game into English or other language, the text block will be much longer and sometimes exceeds the above range. In this case, the pointer can not point to the remaining of text. So I would like to ask how to remedy this without reducing the translation?
For example, the original text block locates at $1E8900 and ends at $1E89FA, pointer value is 0089.
The translation of this block also starts at $1E8900 but ends at $1F0021 so
the remaining part from $1EFFF to $1F0021 can't be displayed.
And what if I expand the Rom and want to move the above block to $31A200?
I wonder is there anywhere in the Rom that store the index address for all pointers?
Thank you in advance.